Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The next morning Ivy sat at the kitchen table eating a plate of pancakes that her mother had made for her. She was still feeling confused about Carly’s visit to her room the night before but decided to let it go. If she had it her way she would avoid Wade the best she could while he was there. She was tempted to ask Kane when he would be leaving and going back to his pack but that would only cause him to start asking questions. Questions that she was not sure she had answers too.

“So what are your plans for today?” Her mother asked her as she walked over to the table that Ivy was sitting at and took a seat.

She shrugged her shoulders “I need to pick up Hailey’s Present for tomorrow so I will have to go back into town.”

“I don’t want you going on your own,” She said.

“Who do you expect me to take? I can’t take Hailey with me”

“I will go with you, I still need to get a few things that I didn’t have time to get yesterday. Plus I think you and I need to talk about what happened yesterday, don’t you?”

“Not really” She muttered.

Her mother sighed “Ivy, as much as it pains me to say, he is your biological father. If you want to get to know him, then that’s ok with me.”

She looked up at her mother and could see the pain in her eyes. “I don’t want to get to know him mum he had given up the right to be my father when he asked you to destroy me. As far as I am concerned, Kane is my father. I may not always call him dad, that doesn’t mean I don’t see him as one.”

Her mother smiled at her “As long as you are sure, I don’t want you to stay away from him because of me.”

She shook her head “I’m not mum I promise.”

Her mother stared at her for a moment "Well the choice is yours"

"Thanks mum" She said giving her a small smile. She continued to eat but noticed her mother was staring at her. "What?" She asked with a mouth full of pancakes.

"It's nothing" Her mother said frowning "I was just thinking. You have spent almost your whole life living here but I don't think you really know anything about werewolves"

"Why would I want to know anything?" She asked.

"I don't know, aren't you interested in how wolves find their mates or what happens to them when they do?"

"I know what happens when they meet, the guy marks the girl and if she is not already a wolf the bite will turn her into one." She said scrunching her face up in disgust.

"Do you know what can happen if a wolf meets his or her mate and their mate rejects them?" Her mother asked.

"No" She said with a sigh "But I'm sure you will tell me"

"It can destroy them, they could be so shattered by it they lose control of their wolf permanently and become all wolf. None of the human self would remain."

"Does it happen a lot? A wolf being rejected?"

"I think packs try to avoid that from happening."

"Why doesn't the wolf just find someone else to mate with?"

"Because of the mating bond, it cant be severed. Only werelions can break the mating bond and mate with another of their choosing" Her mother said standing from her seat “So what time are you planning on heading in to town?” She asked as she took Ivy’s plate from the table and walked it over to the sink.

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