Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Hailey finished applying her lip-gloss, and stared at herself in her bedroom mirror, she could hardly hold in her excitement. This was it, her birthday had finally arrived, she was finally eighteen and able to find her mate. She was so excited she just knew that he would be here at her party. She had made sure she had invited everyone from school she didn’t care if her mate turned out to be wolf or human. She just wanted to be able to find her true mate.

“Hailey are you almost done in there? Your guest will be arriving soon” She heard her mother say on the other side of her bedroom door.

She placed her lip-gloss down and walked over to her door “What do you think?” She asked her mother as soon as she had opened the door.

“Oh Hailey, you look gorgeous” Rayne said “I am so happy that you are excited about today”

“Why wouldn’t I be excited?” She asked

Her mother sighed “I just meant that I am glad that you are not dreading finding your mate.”

“Awe mum” She said walking over to her and giving her a hug. “I know it wasn’t easy for you to turn eighteen, with everything that happened with your true mate. But you don’t have to worry about me. If my mate is a wolf, I know that he won’t reject me. All the wolves in the pack love me.” She said smiling

“I know, what’s not to love, you are perfect Hailey” she said brushing a strand of her hair away from her daughters face. “Your mate is going to love you”

“Thanks mum.” She said smiling.

“Well what are you waiting for? People have already started arriving, get down there and greet your guest”

She let out an excited squeal before racing out of her room and down the stairs, the house had been set up so most of the party will be outside, lots of tables and chairs had been set up as well as a DJ area. One of the guys from the pack is a DJ he mostly did weddings and parties so he was happy to DJ for her party. She could already hear the music playing outside.

She made her way out the front door, sniffing the air as she walked around hoping she would pick up the scent of her mate, but she smelt nothing out of the ordinary. She made her way towards a few friends from school who were human.

“Hey guys” She said smiling.

“Oh hey Hailey, happy birthday”

“Thanks Angela”

“So I hear you invited everyone from school”

“That’s right, I figure we have the room for a big party so why not?” She said shrugging her shoulders.

“Happy birthday Hailey” Annemarie a girl from her history class said.

“Thanks” She said smiling

“Man there are so many hot guys here already” Angela said fanning herself

Hailey laughed “Yeah I know”

“Hey sis”

She turned around and noticed Brody standing behind her “Hey Brody”

“Happy birthday” He said giving her a hug.

“Thanks, where is Shelby?” She asked frowning. It was odd that he wasn’t beside his brother, those two were never apart from each other.

“Still getting ready”

She rolled her eyes “He is worse than a girl”

“Tell me about it.” He said looking around at all the people standing around outside, most of them were holding white plastic cups enjoying the free booze. “So is Ivy here yet?” He asked.

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