Pranks and plans

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I remember what happened last time. My mind has not forgotten. It's like it was yesterday. I remember every detail. Of my capture. My failure. My defeat.

And at one point, I felt like I'd lost it all. I felt like I would never see my friends again. And even if I did, I would have to fight them. I would have to try to hurt them.

But I saw them again, they fought for me, after I had betrayed them to save their life's. In the end we won and we thought Slade was over Me. But we were wrong. Very very very wrong. I learned that Slade was not one to give up. He would keep trying to get what he wanted. And what he wanted, was me.


I don't know why. Why did I save him and his friends? I was about to get my revenge, to kill them. But it was unexpected. I didn't plan for him to sacrifice himself for his friends. I thought I had thought it through. It was supposed to be full proof.

But, he had thought outside of the box, outside of what I had thought. That's why I still want him. But his love for his friends, and especially that alien girl, was a problem. I had to make him think they didn't care, and I was the only one who did.

I have to drag him so deep in this belief, that there is NO RETURN.


"CYBORG!" Beastboy seemed to be screaming at the top of his lungs.

Cyborg smiled to himself. Beastboy had probably walked right into the prank he set up for him. Now Cyborg is not one to pick a fight by starting a prank war. But Beastboy had pranked him earlier, by screaming in his face as a gigantic dinosaur in the middle of the night. And it had scared Cyborg like crazy. After that Cyborg declared it was war time.

Beastboy walked in to the main room dripping wet, covered in meat sauce.

"CYBORG! Look what you did to me! I've been some of these animals!"

Cyborg only smirked and went back to fixing the air conditioner.

"I'm going to get you for-"

That's when they both noticed the meat trail and the oppressing Oder.


Beastboy said tauntingly.

"Robin is so going to get-"

But Beastboy was interrupted by Robin, Raven and Starfire. Following the meat trail and their noses to the main room.

"Robin is going to get BOTH of you". Robin finally spoke.

"For starting this ridiculous prank war that has been disturbing our sleep, and now our noses!"

Cy and BB hung there heads in shame. But only for a moment.

Beastboy Stuck his tung out like a child at Cyborg.

"Now both of you are going to clean up this mess! Beastboy you clean up this meat juice and then Cyborg get rid of this smell!"

"But why can't Cy clean up the juice?!"

"Because you made the mess! You should of cleaned up right away. And not trailing it all over the tower."

Frowning he went to work.

While Robin went to the Titans computer to work on something.

Star went to help Beastboy find a towel.

And Raven went to leave because of the repulsive smell. "Mabye I'll go to the roof..." Raven thought.

But before they even had the chance something happened. Something that would change everything.


My plan is in place. I have prepared everything. Now I just need to put it in action.

Robin won't see it coming. I will make him see the light. His new future. His new life. His friends don't really care about him. Not really. Not as much as I do. His so called friends only hold him back. They just take from him. They never give.

Now it's time to execute my plan. It's time to make Robin's world fall apart with only me to save him. It's time for him to, Forever be my Apprentice.



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