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"Is it done?" Bruce asked as he scanned the papers.

"Yes Mr Wayne. It has been finalized." The woman behind the desk replied as she sighed the papers.

"Thank you so much." Bruce picked up the papers and stacked them.

"My pleasure Mr Wayne. Good luck by the way." The woman smiled.

"Thanks again." Bruce nodded as he stepped out the door and walked back to the car.

"Did it go well?" Alfred asked as Bruce got in the car.

"Yeah. Everything is finalized. I just have to tell Jason now." Bruce stuffed the adoption papers into his briefcase as Alfred started up the car.

"Excellent." Alfred pulled out of the parking lot.

"I just hope Jason is okay with this." Bruce sighed.

"Don't worry Master Bruce, it'll be fine." Alfred reassured as they made their way back to the manor.


"Jason? Were are you?" Bruce called out.

"Over here!" Jason waved a hand from the couch.

"I have something important to tell you." Bruce took a seat next to him as Jason shut of the TV.

"What is it?" Jason looked at him seriously.

"It's not bad news I promise." Bruce pulled out the papers and handed them to him.

"What's this?..." Jason scanned the papers, and then saw it all. "Are these...are you serious?" Jason looked up at him.

"Yes. I've adopted you Jason." Bruce smiled.

"Really?" Jason smiled the biggest he ever had.

"Yes really." Bruce replied softy.

Not knowing what to say, Jason suddenly reached up and hugged him.

Bruce, a little surprised hugged him back.

"So when can I start?" Jason let go.

"Start what?" Bruce asked confused.

"Being Robin, duh." Jason answered smugly.

Bruce's eyes widened slightly. That was unexpected. " never said..."

"Please?! I'll train with you and everything I promise! After all, I did save your life how many times?" Jason begged.

Jason wasn't going to give up. Alfred was going to Put him in the ground for this.

Bruce sighed.

"Promise?" Bruce gave in.

"I promise!" Jason smiled.

"You start in 6 months." Bruce smirked.

"Wait, What?!"


"Dude I can't believe we bought two pizzas just because you can't eat the yumminess of pepperoni." Cyborg set them down on the table.

"Well excuse me for not being a cannibal!" BeastBoy glared at Cyborg.

"Wonderful news friends! Robin has said he will accompany us for the lunch!" Starfire exclaimed as she burst into the room.

"I shall whip up some of his favorite dishes! Like mustard milkshakes! And glorkaberrie pancakes!" Starfire exclaimed as she hurried to the kitchen.

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