Goodbye Jason. For Now.

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"Master Bruce."

Light shinned through the window straight at me. And rolled over trying to shield myself from it.

"Do you even know what time it is?"

I squinted into the bright light, only after to shut my eyes quickly.

"Master Bruce the boy."

I rolled over to look at Alfred. "What about him?" I spat out trying to shield my eyes from the light.

"He's awake." Alfred tapped his foot impatiently.

I groaned as I rolled over. Apparently Alfred wasn't going to let me sleep today.

I sat up and scowled at Alfred. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, dizzy because I had gotten up to fast.

I splashed water on my face. "Bring him down to the cave."

"Of course sir. Breakfast is on the table." Alfred called over his shoulder as he walked out.

Groggily I pulled on my Batsuit and shuffled out the door to the kitchen. The air smelled of coffee and French toast. It permeated throughout the house.

Spotting coffee on the table I drained it and made my way down to the cave. I pulled down my cowl over my face as I silently made my way down the steps.

I brushed my face as I adjusted my cowl. When's the last time I shaved?

I slipped into my chair unnoticed and checked up on Gothom.

Jason was sitting on a stool near Alfred watching him scoop Bat poop.

A bat swooped down and screeched at the new comer. Jason flinched.

A few robberies and a attempted murder had accrued last night...the police had gotten there in time. I wasn't really needed last night except for the robbery by Ivy and Harley.

It was time to see if Jason's story checked out.

"Jason." My voice coldly rang out.

Jason startled meekly looked my direction. "Um Yeah?"

"When's the last you saw your mother?" I scanned my new messages.

Jason looked at his feet. "I've never seen her my entire life." He said softly.

That sounded about right...

"What happened to your father? What did he die of?" My eyes danced briskly on the screen.

"I don't know." He shook he head slightly. "The police wouldn't tell me. They just said my father had been found dead..."

That sounded about right. The police were corrupt In this city. They don't really do their job correctly. They just do it for the money. I only know of a few police men that aren't corrupt. And one of them is Gordon. He has a good heart and wants to save this city more than anything thing. And his daughter is following in his foot steps.

"Hmmm..." I grumbled. I had an important looking message form Fox...(Fox Lucius.)

"How did you end up on the streets?" I asked trying to keep my odious manner. Queen consolidates was looking to merge with another company...

"I uh...heh heh..." He sounded nervous. "Ran away from the orphanage."

I didn't respond. Queen consolidates nominated Wayne industries...

The question was why would he run away from the orphanage to live on the streets? I only know one person who didn't want to be in an orphanage, and that was Selina Kyle. She could take care of herself, when her parents were nowhere to be found. I had just lost my parents when I met her...

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