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Isn't it funny? The Titans are still trying to get used to Robin's new name, Nightwing, so They keep calling him Robin. I thought it was funny. Whatever then.

Starfire saw something along the bottom of the rooftop. It looked like a black piece of cloth snagged on some loose wires. She carefully knelt down to examine it. She picked up the cloth and blood leaked onto her hands.

Gasping, she dropped the cloth and jumped back. She knew this type of fabric...

Grabbing her communicator she flipped it open and waited for Cyborg to answer.

Cyborg picked up right away. "Got something Star?"

"I think so!" She showed him the fabric and blood.

"That his?" Cyborg asked uneasily.

"I think so... Starfire repeated and dropped the fabric back on the ground and wiped the blood on her skirt.

"I have good news and bad news." Cyborg glanced behind him.

"Please, the good news first." Starfire brushed a bang from her face.

"Well, the bomb has been disabled. The hostages are safe." Cyborg showed her the powerless bomb.

"Wonderful! How did you manage it?" Starfire brightened up.

"That's the thing, we didn't. Slade did." Cyborg scratched at his head.

"Was it not Slade who set the bomb up in the first place?" Starfire asked confused.

"It was a distraction. Slade, he...gave Nightwing his location and probably told him to come alone or he would blow the bomb." Cyborg explained as he watched her face fall.

"We must find him!" Starfire gasped.

"We know Nightwing already reached Slade's lair, their probably at it already. We'll just have to hope Nightwing can bring him down this time." Cyborg replied as he glanced at Raven who was looking for Nightwing with her soul self.

"But the last time Robin faced Slade..." Starfire shivered.

"I know. We have to find him before it's too late." Cyborg looked behind him to see Raven standing up.

"We need to regroup. Get to the park as fast as you can." Cyborg nodded as Starfire shut her communicator.

"Any luck?" Cyborg glanced at the bomb.

"None. Nightwing must be too far away." Raven shook her head.

"Now can I try and track his scent?" BeastBoy asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, okay fine whatever. Do your thing." Cyborg sighed. It was probably a waste of time.

BeastBoy, now a green bloodhound, sniffed the ground searching for Nightwing's scent. Cyborg looked expectantly at BeastBoy. "Got something?"

"No." He changed back and sat in the ground and frowned.

"Cyborg?" Starfire called out.

"Over here Star." Cyborg looked up to see her flying their way.

"So now that were all here-"

"Wait!" BeastBoy interrupted Cyborg and morphed into a bloodhound again.

"What?" Cyborg put his hands on his hips. (That's sounds kinda weird.)

BeastBoy didn't answer. He sniffed, and sniffed, and finally made his way to Starfire.

"She reeks of him!" BeastBoy changed back and stood up.

"How is that possible? She hasn't been anywhere near him-Wait! That's it!" Cyborg exclaimed.

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