The Search

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"Yo! Jason! Wake up!"

Jason peeled his eyes open. "What? What's going on?"

"Time for dinner!" Barry pointed at the clock.

"Oh, right." Jason jumped scrambled out of his cot.

"Come on the others are already eating!" Barry exclaimed.

Jason nodded as he followed Barry out the door.

"Settling in well?" A figure stepped in front of Jason and Barry.

"That's the Head Master!" Barry whispered to Jason.

"Run along Barry, Jason and I need a moment." The Head Master pushed him toward the door.

Barry scurried out, and The Head Master turned to Jason.

"I hope your ready for the mission tonight, because if you mess up, well let's just say it's every man for himself." The Head Master chuckled as he let Jason pass.

Jason stepped past him and ran to the door leaving the Head Master.

"Besides, if you get caught on your first day, there's no going back." The Head Master said to himself as he watched Jason scurry out the door.

"Okay Y'all! Let's search this city! Kid Flash, you search Down Town and the woods nearby, Raven the sewage pipes and scan underground. Starfire search from the sky's. Beast boy, try to sniff out Robin's scent." Cyborg ordered.

"What about you?" Beastboy asked.

"I'm gonna search the main city." Cyborg replied.

"Oh. Okay. What do we do when we're done?" Kid Flash asked. "I should be done pretty quickly." He bragged.

"If you don't find anything, meet us back here, if you do give us a call on your communicator." Cyborg answered as checked the time.

"It's 9:30. If you can't find anything by 2, come back here and we will continue the search later. Teen Titans, GO!"

A bit later.

Raven flew through the sewage systems. It stank so bad, Raven curled her fingers around her nose.

This was hopeless. She had been searching for an hours already.

What if we don't find anything? What if we come up with nothing? What if we never find Robin?

What if...he's gone for good?

"No! I can't think like this! We have to find Robin...we just have to..." Raven said to herself. Her doubt was rising, her hope sinking. She had looked through the systems long enough. He wasn't here. It was time to scan the underground.

Raven phased up to the surface. She sat in the lotus position and levitated.

"Azerath..." Her magic covered the ground. "Metrion..." She didn't sense anything.

"Zinthos..." She floated a bit further scanning more areas.


Robin groggily sat up. What happened? He brushed some hair out of his face.

It finally came back to him. He'd had been feeling quite sleepy waiting for the Titans, and some sort of gas came through the vents and knocked him out!

Wait a minute...vents?! There weren't any vents before! Robin studied them carefully. They were open, but when they closed it looked like there were no vents at all!

Robin hid a small smile as he ran and jumped up, caught the vent bars and hung there. Then he felt around for the vent cover crease. Well were was it?!

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