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Oh this is funny, auto correct changed Mr lucius to Mr luscious! I'm sorry for this mistake. It must of sounded so funny. I'm going to fix it now though.


Batman landed on the roof of Arkham asylum. He opened the roof hatch, and landed inside. The first to spot him, was a couple guards. But seeing Batman in Arkham, was not uncommon. They simply shrugged and walked away.

Batman looked around. He was in a long hallway. He was near the cafeteria. Deadshot's cell was not far.

Batman made his way to his cell. "DeadShot."

"Ah, Batman. Back so soon? What didn't get enough of me up today?" Deadshot growled at him.

"Where. Is. Slade." Batman demanded.

"Why would I know?" Deadshot easily lied.

"He hired you to distract me, while Robin took out the Teen Titans." Batman explained the obvious.

"Did he now? Interesting." Deadshot yawned.

"Stop wasting my time and tell me where he is!" Batman growled fiercely. Batman grabbed keys from a guard and threw the door open.

"Where is he?!" Batman grabbed him by his shirt.

"Now now Bats. Have you heard of personal space?" Deadshot laughed.

"Where is he." He Batglared at him.

"Okay fine I'll tell you. Geez." Deadshot gave batman a blank face as Batman let him go.

"I heard he was his hideout was in the abandoned building at the docks. That's all I know." Deadshot backed up against the wall. And pretended to pick at his fingers.

"That's all I need to know." Batman slammed the door behind him as he tossed the keys to the guard.

"Hmp. To bad you'll never make it out alive." Deadshot sat back down.


Batman jumped out of the Batmoblie. There were only two warehouses that were abandoned.

One, looked in better shape than the other, so Batman headed for that one. Batman scaled the building and opened the hatch on the roof.

Empty. Not one thing. Batman narrowed his eyes. He jumped back down, and checked the other one. Only a few boxes, other wise it was empty. Deadshot was lying.

Batman glanced at the Star labs storage. Wait...Star Labs hasn't Been active in Gotham for weeks...Slade's hideout had to be in there!

Sure enough, when Batman peeked through the sky lights on the roof, he spotted the Titans. Robin was guarding them, with Slade no were in sight. Batman looked at the chambers. He needed to figure out how to get them open before attacking. But where did Slade even get the chambers?


"Dr Leslie Tompkins. How wonderful you've come." Alfred smiled.

"Oh please. Just call me Le or Leslie." Leslie walked over to the chair and stool with Alfred.

"I suppose your here to check on Master Bruce. I'm afraid he's out at the moment. Would you like some tea while we wait?" Alfred asked as she declined to sit in Batman's chair and took the stool.

"I'm more of a coffee person." She giggled quietly.

"Of course. I shall be back shortly." Alfred walked up the steps.

"Hey Alfred." Jason acknowledged.

"Bored are we Master Jason?" Alfred noticed.

"Yeah I guess." He slumped in his seat as he watched Alfred pour two cups of coffee.

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