A Little detour

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Woah! Chapter 28 already? And I thought in the beginning there was only gonna be 11 chapters. Silly me.


"I am happy to announce that you've made a full recovery." Dr Leslie closed her bag.

Robin smiled gently but didn't say anything.

"I hope to see you again some time soon Robin. But I have to get back to the clinic now." Leslie smiled, nodded and left The Room.

"How is he?" Bruce stood up as Leslie walked into the hallway.

"He's made a full recovery. But..." Leslie paused putting her hand to her chin.

"But what?" Bruce suspiciously raised one eyebrow.

"He still doesn't seem like himself. It's already been two days." Leslie glanced at the door.

"He's taking this harder than he should. Give him time." Bruce sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Maybe you should talk to him. I mean, he's barely even eating, he barely speaks, there's something up. Did you ask him about what exactly happened while he was with Slade?" Leslie questioned.

"No. I haven't. I thought if something was bothering him, he'd tell me or maybe he'd tell one of his friends. But he hasn't." Bruce frowned.

"Maybe he suffering from the after affects of the Mind Control." Leslie suggested.

"Maybe. I could get Raven to talk to him. Maybe she could help him." Bruce sighed.

"Maybe. Or maybe you should just talk to him. You two were so close back then. You should be able to help him now." Leslie insisted.

"Okay, I'll try and talk to him. But I'll get Raven if that fails." Bruce gave her a small smile.

"Good. I must be going now. Goodbye for now." Leslie nodded and briskly walked out.

Bruce sighed heavily. He wanted to talk to him, but was afraid of it ending in disaster. After a few minutes of thinking it over, Bruce finally went in to talk to him.

"Hey. How are you doing?" Bruce asked gently as he strolled in. Robin was sitting in the exact same place when Leslie left him.

Robin Merely shrugged and looked anywhere but at him.

"Robin what's wrong? You barely eat or speak. What happened with Slade?" Bruce asked, but Robin didn't reply.

"Robin talk to me. Come on." This was getting no where.

"If you won't talk to me, talk to one of your friends. You can't keep whatever's wrong bottled up inside. Talk to someone about, it'll make you feel much better I promise." Bruce sighed. "I'll see you later."

Bruce took one last look, and left.

Robin leaned against the wall and sighed. He was still in turmoil. First he still couldn't forgive himself. Second, he still felt something evil inside him. He couldn't believe he was capable of doing such things. His head fuzzed up from time to time. It was like he couldn't tell right from wrong anymore. The line was faint. Robin thought about what Bruce said. He wondered if talking to someone about would make him feel better.

If there was a person he could talk to, who would it be? Not. Bruce, or Starfire. He didn't think Raven could help him. He needed someone who knew him from the beginning, and knew what he was going through. But who?

Robin thought this over awhile thinking about everyone he knew. It finally came to him. Robin smiled a real smile for the first time in many days.


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