Return to School

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"Phillips!" I cried, seeing him walking into school. His right arm was in a sling and he half carried half dragged his bag in his left hand. I ran up to him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug but not squeezing. He flinched.
"Oh shut up you big baby, that didn't hurt" he looked at me curiously and I rolled my eyes "I've broken my arm before" I explained.

I grabbed his bag off him and slung it over my shoulder.
"Hey!" He protested "I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own bag"
"No you're not, but if it makes you feel better to think so go ahead. Come on, the guys and I missed you"
"So I take it you're getting along now?" He asked, laughter dancing in his crystal blue eyes.
"Yes we are, they're great"
"Make any new friends while I was gone?"
"Yeah I did actually, I was hanging out with Benny and his friends. But don't worry I'm still better friends with you and the boys so now you're back I can sit with you again"
"What?! Since when?"
"Since we were introduced. Anyway-" I was cut off by a chorus of jeers. I looked up to see James Brown, someone I hadn't actually met yet but had heard of his reputation and a bully who'd pick on anyone if he could get away with it.
"Oi Phillips? Are you so weak that you need a girl to carry your bag for you?"
"This girl is going to forcibly shut you up if you don't take the initiative yourself" I threatened.
"Yeah right, as if you- OW!" He screamed, clutching his nose as a trickle of blood ran down his face. I shook my hand, inspecting my knuckles, not even scratched.
"Come on Ari" Phillips said, leading me away "he doesn't deserve it".

Phillips was distracted the rest of the day, by the time lunch rolled around I dragged him away from everyone else to ask about it. He broke down. He told me how things were rough at home, his mum left them and his dad started drinking. I told him that he could always come and stay with me if he had to. He hugged me and we went back to sit with our friends. He was more relaxed than I've seen him in a long time.


"Hey Ari" I looked up from my book, seeing my brother at the door to my room "wanna come with me and my friends tomorrow? It's the weekend so we're gonna camp at the sandlot"
"Sure sounds fun" I said offhandedly, focused on Phillips, he and Brent had gotten into some nonsense argument about goodness knows what and Brent had dumped his drink on him, prompting Phillips to pull off his sodden shirt to wring it out.

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