Take me out to a ball game

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"Hey Ari, can I talk to you?" I looked up from my position on the bench, watching the game between the Tigers and a team from the next town over, munching on a packet of chips.
"Sure what's up?" He took a deep breath.
"Can we go for a walk?" Obediently I got to my feet, following him out of the dugout, bringing my chips with me.
"Um... So... I don't exactly know how to say this but..." He took a long, deep breath "I like you"
"Alright" I said nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders and popping a chip into my mouth.
"What do you mean 'alright'? I just confessed I had a crush on you and you just say 'alright?' " Phillips protested, indignant.
"I meant alright as in, alright I'll go out with you, on an actual date" I explained.
"Really?" He asked, eyes wide and hopeful.
"Duh that's what I just said" I rolled my eyes, eating another chip.
"So you like me back?" He asked
"I just said I'd date you, obviously I like you"
"You are by far the strangest person I've ever met" he laughed, relief clear in his voice.
"I know" I grinned, offering the bag of chips to him. He smiled in return, and took a chip from the bag.
"Come on, let's go back to the game"
"So you would say you're taking me out to the ball game?" I said cheekily and Phillips burst out laughing.


Over the next three weeks Phillips and I went on a few dates and kissed a few times. I didn't tell my brother, he was always weird when I brought up Phillips and I didn't want to make him mad. Besides it wasn't like I needed him to threaten harm on my new boyfriend if he hurt me, the rest of my team had already done that. From what I could gather from their reactions to finding out we had started dating, Phillips had used to be a player, but it was mostly the influence of his girlfriend at the time, Maddi. She wanted to have an excuse for when she cheated on him, so she pushed Phillips into messing around with other girls. Phillips hadn't liked it, he had felt it was wrong but it was around that time that his mum had left his father and he was easy to manipulate. Maddi had eventually moved away and broke up with him for a footballer in her new town.

Eventually, after much prodding from me, Phillips confessed his first name, if had taken me pulling the 'how are we meant to have a relationship if you won't even tell me your name' card multiple times before he grudgingly, refusing to meet my eyes, admitted that his name was Phillip. As expected I had burst out laughing, he'd scowled at me but honestly with a name like Phil Phillips there was no other possible reaction. He had sulked for a bit until I had kissed the pout off his face.


"Wanna come over and do some homework?" I asked Phillips as the final bell of the school day rang.
"Nah I'm gonna go to training a bit early, get some more practise in"
"Suit yourself" I smirked "you're the one who needs the practise after all"
"Oh shut up you" he replied, pulling me closer and covering my mouth with his, oblivious to Ham walking up behind us.

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