Confrontation- Benny's POV

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"Dude!" I turned, seeing Ham come sprinting across the sandlot.  
"What is is Ham?" Smalls asked from beside me.
"Benny, man" Ham said as he skidded to a halt, puffing heavily "Phillips is dating your sister"
"What?!" I exploded. No way, no fricken way "how did you find this out?"
"Saw him making out with her after school" he said through ragged breaths "ran all the way here"
"I've got to go" I said, seething "I need to go talk to my sister"

I stormed home, throwing open the door to Ari's room. She was at her desk, doing homework, she looked up.
"Something wrong bro?"
"Yes there's something wrong. Since when are you dating Phillips?!"
"I've been dating him for about 3 weeks now Benny, I knew you'd overreact"
"Overreact? Overreact?! My sister is dating my enemy without even telling me!" She scoffed
"Enemy? Oh please"
"Ari-" I began but she cut me off.
"Get out Benny, calm down before you say something stupid" she turned away from me and continued to do her homework. I slammed the door on my way out, if I couldn't stop Ari then I'd just have to take it up with Phillips himself.

I collected my friends from the sandlot and they followed me as I led the way to Phillips' field, fanning out behind me as I marched towards the Tigers- bat in hand, usually when Phillips and his gang came to the Sandlot I held it because the feel of the wood allowed me to keep a cool head, reminded me what was important- ball, not fighting with arrogant snobs; it gave me something to focus on, but this time my hands clenched around the grip and I was fully prepared to start swinging.

"Hey, look who it is" One of Phillips' friends called once we were spotted.
"What're you lot doing here?" Phillips demanded, heading towards us, his friends following him.
"You leave my sister alone" I ordered.
"What?" He looked confused "you have a sister?"
"Ari" I growled "Arrika Rodriguez. My sister" his eyes widened and he blinked rapidly, seemingly totally taken by surprise. His team started whispering to themselves.
"We should've know" one of them said "no wonder she laughed and insisted we shouldn't change it when we gave her a Rodriguez jersey" I ignored their chatter, focused only on the player who wanted my sister as his next conquest.
"You gave her my old jersey? She's on your team?" I asked, incensed.
"Aw did baby brother Benny not even know what team his sister played on?" Phillips teased "you can't not even know what team she plays on and then pretend you have a say in who she dates"
"Shut up" I ground out, fist clenching
"I'm dating Ari and there's nothing you can do about it" Phillips smirked, my fists clenched at my sides and I went to raise my arm but Ari's voice stopped me.
"Hey what are you guys doing here?" She called from the other side of the field, having just arrived.
"What's she doing here?" I hissed
"My girlfriend, your sister, is part of my team, she comes to training just like everybody else" he grinned, obviously baiting me, as Ari came and stood next to him, he put an arm around her waist and kissed her swiftly on the lips. I was incensed, I stepped forward and punched Phillips in the face.

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