New arrival- El's POV

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I strode into my new school, eyes taking in everything, evaluating everyone. Wendy Preffercorn was by my side, telling me who was who and informing me of the school gossip on them. At least she was useful for something. Feeling that I handle on things I bid goodbye to my step cousin and marched to my first class, boldly- if dramatically, flinging myself into the seat next to the boy she had pointed out as The Jet, a legend around here. He was attractive, dark hair and dark skin, radiating skill and self confidence, with a grin practically perfect for making girls swoon. He was easily the most popular kid in school, but never capitalised on that fact, it was as if he didn't even know, just hung out with his little group of friends- made up of freaks and fat kids. It would be one of their first things I changed when I claimed my rightful spot as social queen bee.

The boy looked at me, frowning, and I noticed the truth of Wendy's words- definitely the most attractive kid in school, and star athlete to boot. He wore it so well, despite the recent contention between him and the two new girls for the spot, and it was almost a shame that he'd be losing the title to me when word got around.
"Hey could you move? That seat's taken" he said as a girl arrived and made a bee-line straight for us. The woman was brunette, only slightly taller than me, evidently fit, with lean, toned muscles. She was wearing an old dodgers tee, faded, with worn jeans and  joggers, hair free to unspool around her shoulders.
"And who would you be?" She asked me, hands on her hips.
"Ellen Ruth" I announced, pausing a second as I looking them over "but you can call me El". She was obviously close to The Jet.
"Miss Sullivan, could you please move to a vacant seat?". The teacher called, obviously she was on the side of the two pre-existing students, I would have to win her over somehow.
"It's Ruth" I said, somewhat sharply. 
"Miss Sullivan" the teacher repeated reproachfully  
"I told you" I huffed, offended "it's Ruth". As if I would want to go by that stupid name, what was my mother thinking giving up Grandpop's name? The famous name?
"Fine, Miss Ruth-Sullivan. Move, now"

Rolling my eyes I went to sit beside the girl on The Jet's other side. Blonde, tanned, hair pulled back into a severe ponytail.
"Nu-uh" she said warningly, shaking her head "move along, that's my boyfriends' seat".

I huffed, silently taking the next available seat. What a bitch, didn't she know who I was?


At break I decided to try again. They were the most popular kids at school after all, naturally I should befriend them. I'd gotten the run down on the two girls who had gotten in my way earlier. Ashley Levi, Benny's girlfriend, who hated the other one, his sister, Ari Rodriguez. Their rivalry had been on the down low since the last game between the rival baseball teams- the Tigers and the Sandlot kids. The word going around was that Ashley had been so mad that Ari had won that she'd broken the other girl's arm, since then they'd been playing at being friends but everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they were at each other's throats again.

I found them playing ball on the school diamond, under the watchful eyes of the school coach. There were only ten people there, a mix of both groups, so it was probably a school team practice session. Boldly, I strode right up to Benny, I interrupting their little game.
"I don't believe we were properly introduced earlier. I'm El, and-"
"Look, you're new, I get it, but can we do this later? I'm sort of busy right now". I frowned, this wasn't the way it was meant to go, it was as if no one here knew who I was. I'm sure if they did I would receive a much different reception, my family was famous, my grandfather was a baseball legend, a god on the field.
"Oi, what's the hold up bro?" One of the girls from earlier, obviously his sister, jogged over "you take any longer and Phillips' likely to replace you" she grinned, and even though Benny smiled I thought it revealed something important, the tension between the rival teams was still there, despite their united front.
"As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted-" I glared at the girl, but now the coach was heading over, fuming at the interruption to his practice.
"What's going on here? You, girl, get off my field" I smirked, and turned to introduce myself to the coach.
"I'm Ellen Ruth, granddaughter of The Babe". The man gaped, and I went on. "I'd like a place on the team please Coach, if it's not too much trouble. I can of course provide any heritage documents you need". The man smiled, scratching at his face, day old stubble catching under rough fingers.

"Team's full kid but, we've got regionals coming up and it never hurts to have an extra sub" he grinned, and I could practically hear Ash grinding her teeth beside me. Serves her right for making me sit behind them in class this morning, I thought, perfectly justified. "Go grab a spare mitt from one of Phillips' guys and swap out for Cole." I smiled sweetly, strutting over to the open kit by the dugout, meeting the gaze of the scowling boy that followed me off the field.

"No hard feelings." I couldn't resist smirking, just a little. Boy better get used to being replaced, and besides it wasn't like I'd taken anything important from him, it was only the outfield, still soon they'd be recognising my hereditary talent and I'd be promoted to the infield for sure.

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