The Sandlot boys

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"Where are you going so early?" My mum asked, smirking at my appearance.
"Out to meet a friend" she raised an eyebrow
"Not your usual get up is it?" I groaned. She was right though; instead of my usual jeans and an old t shirt I was wearing jeggings a singlet and a knit cardigan. My hair was pulled back in a messy bun and I'd put a little bit of makeup on. But in fairness I thought it was more suitable to look presentable at a hospital. Rolling my eyes I left the house, thanking my lucky stars that Benny wasn't up yet.


"Ari is that you?" Phillips asked, stunned. We were in the hospital waiting room, he was wearing one of those gown thingys and looked terrified.
"Oh don't look so surprised" I said, rolling my eyes "Are the other guys coming?"
"No, they wished me luck and everything last night but didn't want to come today"
"You ok?"
"No" he admitted and I pulls him into a hug. He folded into my embrace.
"I'm scared Ari" he whispered
"It'll be ok Phillips" I promised
"But what if-"
"It'll be fine"
"Here" I said, pulling my necklace out from under my shirt, I didn't want to part with it but Phillips needed the reassurance "I've had this necklace for over 5 years, I never take it off. My best friend back in Australia gave it to me, I used to be absolutely petrified of the dark, I was all alone in a completely different country and so scared. We shared a dorm room, she was a few years older than me and completely mother hened me. It's a carved crocodile tooth, it'll protect you, it's a good luck charm"
"What if I can never play ball again? What if something goes wrong? What if-" I was stunned to see he had tears in his eyes.
"It'll be fine, it's your turn for some luck" I said and slipped the necklace over his head.
"Thanks Ari" he said, wiping his eyes "you'd better go now I'm about to go into surgery"
"See you on the other side mate" I said, and watched as a nurse appeared and shepherded him away.


"Hey Ari, come with me ok?" Benny said, dragging me behind him
"Where are we going?"
"You're gonna meet my friends, they're outside of Vincent's"
"Ugh fine, but if any of them give me cheek I'll knock them into the next millennium" he rolled his eyes
"Sure sis"

"Hey guys" he said as we stopped in front of a group of 8 or so boys hanging out the front of the drugstore.
"Hey Benny who's this?" One of the kids asked
"This is my sister, Ari"
"Woah man sister?"
"Since when?"
"What else have you been keeping from us dude?"
"Hey hey hey" Benny protested "no one knew not just you guys, I was trying to keep her from Phillips and his gang"
"Well it's still not cool to keep that from us, who knew the new girl was Benny's sister?"
"We should've guessed, the captain of the school ball team is always a Rodriguez"
"Anyway you've already met Smalls, this is Ham, Squints, Timmy and Repeats, Yeah Yeah and Betram"
"Nice to meet you"
"You're gonna hang with us at school now aren't you Ari?" Benny asked, seeing my dubious expression he hurried to continue "come on, it's like I never see you anymore"
"Ugh fine, but on probation" only until Phillips comes back to school after surgery, I added in my head.


"Come over here Ari" Benny said, guiding me through the school grounds towards where his friends sat.
"But Benny-"
"No buts sis, you're always out with your friends and I hardly ever see you, it's not fair you can't just dump your little brother"
"Ugh fine" I reluctantly agreed, hating how easily he guilt tripped me. I'd sit with him for now, but once Phillips was back all bets were off.

Over the next few weeks I did sit with the 'Sandlot' boys, as they called themselves. I went to training with the Tigers and went to the Sandlot with my brother. Phillips was in the hospital recovering and while I missed him, his absence let me form stronger friendships with other people. Of the Tigers kids (I refused to call them boys now I was part of their group) Sam, Matt and Cole became my closest friends. Of the Sandlot boys (aside from my brother of course) I was closest to Ham.

I missed my best friend though, it was weird to admit it but Phillips had become my best friend in this weird country that was technically my home. The arrogant boy I'd first met had become this complex person who I trusted and who trusted me.
It felt like nothing could get between us.

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