Prompt #4

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Prompt- Christian's backstory/how he met Alexis


​"Christian! Hurry up!" his father called.

​Christian came into the living room, and his parents motioned him over. He climbed onto the couch with them, snuggling up in between them.

​"We put on your favorite!" his mom said with a smile.

​"Toy Story!" Christian cried happily.

​His mom smiled even more as Christian leaned against her to watch a movie. His father pulled a blanket over the three of them, ruffling Christian's hair.

​"Want some popcorn?" his dad offered, holding the bowl out.

​Christian took a handful and ate it. He watched eagerly as the movie started up on the TV.

​"Don't fall asleep this time," his mom joked.

​"I won't, mom!" Christian promised, looking up at her with his big eyes. "I'll stay awake, I promise!"

​"I think you can. You're getting so old!" his dad said. "Soon I'll be teaching you to drive my car!"

​"Really?" Christian asked eagerly.

​"Well, you're halfway there," his dad said, laughing. "But I promise I'll start teaching you to drive by the time you're a teenager!"

​"I can't wait dad," Christian said, face lighting up.

​"Stop it, let's just enjoy the movie. I don't want to think about Christian growing up just yet!" his mom said, putting an arm around him. She kissed his head. "Let me enjoy you being little and not rebellious."

​Christian giggled and turned his attention to the movie. He curled up with his parents, happy and carefree.


​Christian sniffled and clenched his fists at his sides. He stared down at the grass, away from the large grave in front of him.

​"Christian," his grandfather said gently. "It's getting dark."

​Christian stayed silent, afraid that speaking would only make him cry. He hadn't spoken a word since the wake yesterday, tired of mumbled out thank you when people said they were sorry for his loss. He'd stood here during the funeral, his grandfather holding him, watching his parents' caskets being lowered into the ground.

​A car accident. They were on their way to the store to pick out a new carpet for the living room. Someone cut them off, and they ended up crashing into a tree and flipping over.

​Christian had been pulled out of school by his crying grandparents. They told him what happened, and told him he'd be living with them from now on.

​"Christian," his grandpa said, stepping next to him, pulling the ten year old into his arms. "I know you miss them. I miss them. Your father, he was my son..." He hugged Christian tighter. "I loved your parents. But I also love you, and we're going to get through this together, okay? Me, you, and your grandma. I promise." Tears rolled down his cheeks. He wouldn't hide his sorrow from Christian. "It's okay to cry. I know you miss them. They loved you so much."

​Christian threw his arms around his grandpa. "I want my mom and dad!" he shouted, and burst into tears. "It's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair!"

​His grandpa held him, rubbing his back, crying with him, soothing him the best he could. Christian's grandma was at home, preparing a room for Christian to live in, hoping the boy would manage through this without shattering.

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