Prompt #9

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Prompt- A prompt of older Micah's birthday. Him, Alexis, Jonas and maybe a boy/girlfriend


​I pulled dinner out of the oven, setting it on the counter to let it dry. I wiped my hands on a towel and looked down at dinner, wondering if there was anything I should add to it.

​I winced as something hit me in the back of my head. "Micah!"

​I spun around just as he disappeared around the corner. I took off after him, ignoring the bouncy ball that was rolling on the floor where I had just been standing.

​Running around the corner after Micah, I nearly slammed into him. I managed to catch myself against the wall, raising an eyebrow at him.

​He gave me an innocent smile. Jonas was holding him in place, sighing.

​"When he comes running like that, it usually means he did something to get in trouble," Jonas said.

​"He did," I confirmed.

​"Heh. Sorry about that, Alexis." He grinned. "But my aim is great, right?"

​"Save it for the baseball field." I reached out, flicking him in the ear. "I was making you your favorite dinner, and you threw a bouncy ball at my head."

​"It's my birthday! I can get away with it!" he said defensively.

​I looked at him, unable to believe he was already 16 years old. It felt like just yesterday I found him as a dirty little five year old, crying on the streets.

​Micah had grown quite a lot since I first found him. Once he started making friends at school, he opened up a lot more. He became more outgoing and playful. He loved being a troublemaker, but he also loved being a good kid. It left him hyper, playful, and smugly apologetic.

​He had started playing baseball by the time he was seven, and he loved it. He was good at it, too. Jonas and I were hoping he could get a scholarship to help him afford college. He was incredibly smart though, and we were sure his grades would help him.

​He wasn't my son, and he wasn't biologically related to me at all. But I was proud of the teenager he'd become. He was handsome, too. I could only imagine how proud his mother be to see him now.

​Jonas and I had gotten married a few years ago. Jonas had a great job, so we'd actually managed to buy a little house for ourselves. All around, we were happy.

​"Your birthday doesn't excuse everything," I said.

​"No? Well, it should." He grinned again. "Also, with it being my birthday, I demand that we eat cake before we eat dinner."

​"I made you dinner and you're going to eat it before you eat cake," I said.

​"Birthday or not, no one argues with Alexis's stern voice," Jonas said, laughing.

​Micah looked smug. "I argue with the stern voice."

​"Micah, no cake before dinner," I said sternly.

​Micah no longer looked smug. "Okay, I lied, no one argues with Alexis's stern voice."

​"But maybe we can cheat, just a little," I said, giving him a small smile.

​"Yes!" He threw a fist into the air triumphantly. "You're the best!"

​We went into the kitchen together and I cut a slice of cake. "We can just share a piece."

​"I'm fine with that," Micah said, getting us forks.

​We sat at the table and began to eat. Friends were coming later to celebrate with Micah. He was going to have a bonfire in the backyard with them. I knew that a girl he'd been getting a little close with lately was coming. Overall, Micah was excited for it.

​I looked at him, feeling a little sad. Just two more years before he went off to college. It would only be a few more years until Micah moved out and started his own life.

​"Why do you look sad?" Micah frowned at me, concern in his eyes. He had picked up various traits from me and Jonas through the years, and one thing he got from Jonas was that naked concern for people he cared about.

​"I'm not sad," I said.

​"Don't lie to me." He leaned against me. "What's wrong?"

​I gave him a sad smile and shrugged. "I'm a sentimental old man. You're growing up."

​"You're not old." He lightly hit my arm. "You're only 32, Lex. Not much I can do about the whole aging thing, though. Trust me, if I could stay a kid forever, I would. Although now you won't have to drive me everywhere. At least not until I get my license suspended for street racing with Jericho."

​I reached out, placing my hand on Micah's hand like I used to. He smiled at me, an honest smile that made him look younger.

​"Love you, kid," I said.

​"Love you, sentimental old man," he said. He hugged me, peeking over at Jonas. "Get in on this!" He held his arm out.

​"Love fest," Jonas said, hugging us and smiling.

​I felt sad that Micah was so grown up, but I was so proud of who he had become. I loved our family, and I'd just have to learn to cherish the time we had left with Micah here.

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