Prompt #13

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Prompt- A part 2 to Alexis finding Micah


​Alexis carried Micah up the stairs of the porch and into the house. Micah looked around, feeling afraid. The house was a little drafty, but it was warmer than the outside.

​Alexis waited a minute as he watched Micah look around. He wondered if maybe he could hide the boy, just for tonight.

​"What the fuck is that?"

​Micah looked over at the angry voice, whimpering and hiding his face against Alexis's shoulder. A mean looking man was standing in the hallway.

​"Jericho," Alexis said. "It's a child. Surely you've seen them before."

​"Why's it in the house?" Jer demanded.

​"He was alone on the streets. I couldn't just leave him there," Alexis said.

​Jer curled his lip. "Hey!" he barked over his shoulder. "Come look at what Alexis dragged in."

​Micah looked on in absolutely terror as three more men came into the room. They were all staring at him.

​"Is that a kid?" one asked.

​"Very good, Ace," another said sarcastically.

​"Shut up Ike!" Ace said. "Why is there a kid in here?"

​"He was abandoned," Alexis said. "So I brought him here. He's staying as long as he needs to." His voice was stern, and the others didn't say anything to argue with him.

​Micah gripped a fistful of Alexis's shirt. He felt safe in Alexis's arms, but he was still afraid of these other men gathered so close to him. He made sure to keep as silent as possible, wishing he could just disappear.

​"Can you afford to take care of him for more than a week?" Ike said.

​"I'll manage. Like I said, he can stay as long as he needs to," Alexis said. "He's cold and probably exhausted. And you're all probably scaring him. I'm going upstairs."

​Alexis carried Micah upstairs and into his bedroom, setting him down. He knelt down, placing his hand on Micah's head. It was a light gesture, the most nonthreatening thing Alexis could think to do. He'd heard somewhere that touch could help establish trust, and he wanted this boy to trust him. He wanted to help Micah, and he couldn't do that if Micah was terrified of him.

​"I don't have clothes that will fit you very well," Alexis said. "I'm sure we can find something for the night, though. I'll wash the clothes you have on now." He offered Micah another smile. "Those were my friends downstairs. I know they're a little scary, but I promise they won't hurt you."

​Micah couldn't help himself. He'd been abandoned by his father, he missed his mom, he was cold, dirty, and exhausted, and he was just overwhelmed. He sat down on the floor and burst into tears, chest heaving with sobs, desperately missing the comforting arms of his mother.

​But instead, a different pair of arms wrapped around him. They were just as warm as his mother's had been, but they were stronger. They were the arms of a boy who'd been holding himself together for a long time. They were ready to hold someone else together now.

​Micah let Alexis hold him, leaning against Alexis as he cried. He couldn't help the sobs that escape his lips, but Alexis didn't yell at him to shut up or hit him. He just held him close, stroking his hair, whispering soothing words.

​Alexis held Micah until his sobs stopped. Micah rubbed at his eyes, exhausted.

​"Let's give you a bath before you go to sleep, okay?" Alexis said, lifting Micah up. "You'll feel a lot better once you're clean."

​Micah wanted nothing more than to sleep, but he was afraid that saying no to a bath would anger Alexis. So instead, he allowed himself to be carried into the bathroom.

​He watched as Alexis filled the tub, checking the water to make sure it was a good temperature. Alexis helped Micah out of his clothes, and Micah slipped in to the warm water. Alexis was right; he did feel better.

​Alexis's hands were gentle as they washed dirt off of Micah's body and cleaned his hair. When he was done, he drained the tub and wrapped Micah in a towel, carrying him into his room.

​Alexis's found the smallest clothes he owned and dressed Micah in them. They were still far too big on the small boy, but they would have to do for tonight.

​Micah allowed himself to be tucked into Alexis's warm bed. He didn't even mind as Alexis laid next to him.

​"Sorry. I can sleep on the floor, if you want," Alexis said.

​Micah felt too tired to answer, so instead, he just reached out and grabbed a fistful of Alexis's shirt. He was too afraid to sleep by himself in an unfamiliar house. Alexis made him feel safe and he wanted to sleep next to him.

​Micah closed his eyes, keeping hold of Alexis's shirt for comfort. He still felt hopelessly lost and confused, and horribly sad. But he no longer felt so lonely. As he drifted off to sleep, he felt glad that Alexis had found him.

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