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Looking down at the piece of paper in my hands and then looking up at the sign above the door, it clearly reads 38B. I sigh and collect myself before I walk into my very first English class at University in Sydney, Australia.

I walk into the room, students yelling and throwing things, it was like a high school. It was hectic. I couldn't believe how immature half of these people were being. There were clearly separate groups. The Perfs, the group of girls and guys who's family had a lot of money and just thought they were better than everyone else, with their perfect cars, houses, pets, family,looks, clothes. Hell they even had perfect genetics. Then there were the quiet people/nerds. They were all trying to finish off homework or get a month ahead on assignments. Behind them perched next to the wall of windows were the jocks and cheerleaders. They seemed to blend well with the Perfs, they were really one big group, but the jocks and cheerleaders were into sport, the Perfs wanted nothing to do with it. Then in the back of the room there were the emos and music players. They really never cared for it, they just were there to pass and leave. They are only doing English so they can study music.

As I look for a spare seat the lecturer whistles and everyone sits in their seat. The lecturer smiles at me.

"And you are?" He asks politely shaking my hand.

"Um, Olivia Brooks? I'm new..." I say shaking his.

"Nice to meet you Olivia, sorry about the noise, there is a spare seat up the back, sorry I couldn't get one for you closer." The words apologetically fall from his mouth.

"No its okay Mr....."


"Right, thank you." I say smiling softly and walking up the stairs to the back of the room slowly.

I started here half way though the semester they had already started, so they all already knew each other. I'm new. I can feel everyone watching me walk. The jocks are looking me over making me almost trip over the next step. The Perfs are sizing me up to see whether or not I'll fit into their clique. The nerds are watching intently as they mumble within their group working up the courage for one of them to ask if I want to join their Monday and Wednesday study groups. As I walk to the back the musos are looking me up and down. I don't pay any attention to the to them, but I sit down next to a blonde boy with a lip piercing. He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me looking me up and down and pulling that lip ring between his teeth.

I feel myself blush and my ears get red and hot, but don't look at him, I focus forward and start listening to Mr Martin talk about what we will be doing for the lecture.

"This lesson, will not include me in any way," the students started murmuring and groaning, and I just roll my eyes. "in pairs, you will be getting to know each other, what you did over summer, what you are doing in University, what you aspire to be. We didn't do this at the start of the semester so we will do it now. You will be doing this with the person you are sitting next to, or of your own choice." His voice rings throughout the room.

Students start turning desks and girls start pushing each other and falling up the stairs up towards me. My heart starts thumping against my chest. The Perfs and the cheerleaders want to pair up with me. When my desk is pulled away from me and to the guy next to me the girls stopped in their tracks. But as I hadn't moved yet, one girl's eyes narrowed and walked right up to my desk and she sat on it, crossing her legs.

"Luke, will you be my partner?" She giggled, her voice high and unnatural. I look around her at the guy. He looks unamused.

"Chloe I didn't move this desk here for you to get your fake arse sweat on.Move it." He says, his Australian voice thick and deep. I just stared in awe ass he mumbled inaudible profanities and stormed off. Luke looked over at me and patted my desk. To hell if I was sitting on my desk like she was. I have more pride than that.

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