
22 3 2

I asked my band to come in and keep me company while I sit with Olivia. She woke up just before, just long enough to have some jelly so her stomach wasn't empty. She looks so sad. She looks broken, she isn't glowing like she usually is. I miss her...

"Luke, mate she'll be okay." Miles says patting my shoulder. I stare at her hand in mine and fiddle with the promise ring that she moved from her left to her right, and her engagement ring on her ring finger.

"It was an accident, they happen." Asher chimes in.

"I shouldn't have let her go alone." I grumble, mad at myself for letting her go alone.

Carter went out to get Chinese food for us, although I'm not really hungry,I just eat what Olivia doesn't.

Asher impatiently taps on the table in front of him while Miles stares at me.

"What?" I say looking up at him.

"She will be okay. She's strong like that."

"I know she'll be okay. She can't die. She's my fiance, we will get married."

Carter walks in with two bags of Chinese food in his hands and he smiles as he puts them on Olivia's table.

"Is she awake?" He queries.

"No, she fell asleep about 5 minutes ago." I say quietly looking back at my bride-to-be asleep on the bed, chords leaving her body, matched up to different machines to keep her alive.

We all sit around the small table in the room slowly eating in silence.

She's the only woman I have ever loved, she is the only woman I will love. I won't let her die.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. I spent a long time writing and planning this. I really hope you enjoy it because it took time.

How have you all been my goodness.

See you soon, hopefully I'll write the next chapter.


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