Final Chapter

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This is it... The final chapter, hope you like it...


I was tossing and turning on my bed not able to get some sleep. I looked at the white box with a blue ribbon tied to secure the top on my side drawer. After splitting with Kae and Jon, I went to buy Liam a graduation present. I wasn’t sure what to get him so I just bought a silver chain bracelet.

I remember how he always nag me to borrow my silver bracelet which looks the same as the one I bought when we were in high school. He borrows it when it’s almost dismissal and keeps it overnight then returns it to me in the morning the following day. I was planning to give it to him before but lost it when we went swimming at the beach during summer break.

It was almost eleven in the evening when my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and it says Kae. I answered the phone after.

“why the hell are you calling this time at night?” I asked a bit annoyed.

“I want to make sure you’re ok” She replied

“I told you I’m ok” I responded, “Stop lying, I saw how you reacted a while ago at the coffee shop... now spill” she ordered.

“Arrgghh... fine” I groaned. “I think Liam still hates me, he knew that I was back for weeks now and never even bothered to call to say hi” I blurted out.

“Maybe his just too busy with all that is going on” she said in calming way. “Maybe” I sighed.

“Hey don’t worry about it, even if didn’t work out with both of you, he can’t just throw your friendship away” Kae continued. I guess she’s right. “Anyway we’ll see how it goes tomorrow ok”

“Ok, thanks Kae” I replied. “I’ll go back to sleep now, see you tomorrow” she added hearing her yawn.

“night night” I whispered then turn off my phone, placed it on top of my side drawer then went down stairs to have a glass of water. I drunk it up, went back to bed and stayed there staring at the ceiling till I fell asleep.

We arrived at Liam’s place and parked the car. There seems to be a lot of chatter on the back yard, there must loads of visitors most probably his family members and friends. We knocked at the door and Liam’s mom opened it for us, she looks happy to see us and welcomed us in. She offered some refreshments and food as we walked towards the backyard.

We grabbed out drinks and gave thanks to Liam’s mom then headed towards our group of friends.

Liam was chattering with them then stopped when he saw us. His eyes were directly focused on me. I felt nervous all of a sudden, terrified even like I’m about to hurl. I wanted to turn back and run, but my feet won’t let me. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it instead.

Kae broke the silence as she gave Liam a hug and he returned the favour, and then shook Jon’s hands as they congratulate him and give him his presents.

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