Chapter 11

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A couple weeks had passed, nothing grand happened. I sent my application to the dental clinic near the hospital hoping to get the job.

I went around the town giving myself a solo tour, reminiscing the pass. I’ve met a few of my former schoolmates and friends along the way.

Matt and Cass finally got together, she’s actually 7 months pregnant. It wasn’t a shock though knowing Matt. Erik was in jail a year ago due to possession of illegal drugs but bailed out by his parents a week later, I think he still continues to use drugs till this day, we warned him a couple of times, but he still won’t listen. He is still a good friend though.

Paul and Jessica broke up two years ago. They have been in a long distance relationship for nine months before they broke up. See I told you those things never last, it may to some but majority don’t.

Luke went to work in the company where her sister is working in London. Mercy is still in college, she was held back for two years, due to dropped classes. I bet the college life of partying got into her.

I still haven’t seen Fred, Jake, Gab or Liam. Kae told me Gab is now a nurse, happily married to accountant, who else but Jake. I wanted to come to their wedding a year ago, but I’m at my last term as a student in which all the pressure of graduating and passing all subjects are at its peak.

I kept wondering how Liam is, is he the same person I know? Has girlfriend or a boyfriend? I do hope he’s happy. All the thoughts of him remind me of the night we talked and cuddle on the couch on the patio of Luke’s sister’s house.

I felt my heart tighten as I remind myself on how I ended up things with him. I wish I could see him. I miss him so much.

Just to see those hazels eyes and the ever beaming dimple that comes with his smile. I sat at one of the benches in the park, the one we use to go to with Kae. To try clear my mind of him and took out a cigarette to smoke.

I must have been sitting there looking at the people passing by for hours as I noticed the sun was starting to set, creating a mixture of colours in the sky. My phone beeped signalling a text. I pulled it from my pocket and read the message coming from Kae.

(Kae): Hey, let’s go for a coffee tomorrow at Mr. Beans, Gab and Jake will be joining us

I was hoping she would say that Liam will be coming to since Jake is, but maybe he’s too busy with his life now, or that he doesn’t want anything associated with me. I felt guilt at the moment thinking maybe I’ve hurt him so much he doesn’t even want to see me.

The mixture of emotions flooded my thoughts all at once, anger towards myself, joy that Liam might be doing well and finally happy and, pain and fear of not seeing him again.

Tears escaped my eyes and I just let it flow, after about 5 minutes I composed myself, wiped my face with the sleeve of my shirt and texted Kae.

(Me): Sure, what time

(Kae): around four, see you then

(Me): K, see you

I replied then slid my phone back in my pocket as I started to walk back home.

It’s Friday afternoon and I was just lying on my bed with arms rested on the back of my head listening to music. I looked at my watch and its five minutes to three so I decided to take a shower. I took my time soaking my body with warm water before I dried myself.

I grabbed a clean underwear and put it on, put a pair of socks followed by my jeans. Yes I always wear my socks first before my pants. I then choose to wear my black and white baseball shirt. I’m not a fan of baseball though but I like the way the shirt is made with plain white torso and black sleeves lining the collar.

I went back to the bathroom and fixed my hair with minimal amount of wax. After I’m satisfied with my look I washed my hands and went back to my bed to grab my phone and wallet.

I went down the stairs to our living room grab my sister’s car keys, since she doesn’t use it as much, she always take a ride with his fiancé. I closed the door behind me and locked it as I walked to my sister’s car.

I arrived at our meeting place just in time. Kae, Jon, Gab and Jake were all sitting around the large table in the corner.

“Hey guys” I greeted as I approach them. They all said hi in unison and Kae patted the seat next to her signalling me to sit there.

We all ordered our beverages, and talked about stuff.

“I almost forgot, all of the gang is invited to come tomorrow” Jake announced. “Why what’s the event?” Kae asked.

“It’s Liams graduation” Jake grinned.

At the mention of his name, I felt my body tense, my mouth suddenly felt dry as I take a sip of my coffee. “Does he know that I’m back?” I asked nervously

“Of course, Kae rung me and told me that your back and I went to see Liam that same day to tell him” Jake replied

“Oh” is all that I can respond with. He knows I’m back then why didn’t he try to contact me? He hated me that much huh. I guess it’s my fault. I kept silent until Gab and Jake said their goodbyes and made sure we are going to Liam’s graduation celebration.

“Are you ok? you went silent for a moment there” Kae asked concern flashed through her eyes.

“Yup I’m fine, so what time are we supposed to go again?” I asked since I was not really listening to Jake after my last question.

“just about time for dinner, so be ready we’ll pick you up” She said. “Thanks” I replied as we stood up and went our separate ways.


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