Fuck it

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At the hospital and about a hour later.

"Hi ma'am" "yes sir how may." "I need to know what room Levi lawley is in" I said cutting her off. "Um ok it says her that on her family can come in who are you and this young girl to her" she said smiling. "I'm her husband and this is her daughter can we please get what room she is in" "oh ok sit she is in room 213" "ok thank you" I said walking away to the elevator.

I got to her room and walked in. All I could do was cry. She was hooked up to a bunch of things she had a cast on her arm and foot.

"Daddy is that mommy?" Ann asked. "Yes baby it is" I told her.

Me and Ann where sitting down by her bed when the doctor walked in.

"Hi I'm doctor Edwards I'm guessing your Levi's husband" he asked. "Yes,yes I am so what exactly happened and is she ok" " well she got into a horrible accident with a truck. Now she broke a rib, her foot and arm and she is....in a coma." He said. "Fuck, how long will she be in it" "I'm not sure sir"

"Ok thank you" "your welcome if you need anything tell one of the nurses out there" all I did was smile at him he walked out of the room I needed someone to watch Ann so I called Andrea.

"Hey" she answered the phone. "Ok so I have a huge favor to ask" "yes" "Levi got into a accident and she is in a coma but I need someone to watch Ann for me would you be able to" "omg is she ok what happened and of course I can Kian" I will explain it when you get here and thank you so much this means a lot"

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