I Promise

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Hi guys! This is chapter two. I didn't sleep well last night because of family karaoke -_- you woudn't believe how noisy they are!! Sorry for the long time that I haven't continued the story....so I'm doing it now. ☺️☺️☺️

~ 10 years later ~

*At The Guild* Your POV

I was sitting on a chair close to the bar counter. There I saw Mirajane just doing her usual thing that is trying to fight Erza.

I let out a sigh cause I'm bored.

I was just drinking my (favorite drink) and I heard a loud crash, I almost let go of my drink because of that loud noise. As soon as I turned around I saw Natsu and Gray fighting again.

I didn't care, I know Erza would make those two have another punishment.

"Oi! break up you two!!!!" Erza shouted at Natsu and Gray from fighting.

"BREAK UP?!?!" Juvia shouted in shock.

"Its not like a relationship that they break up, Juvia" I said to Juvia, to make her understand that its not that they're boyfriends.

Then someone came in, in front of the big door.

We all stop what we were doing to see who was that.

It was Laxus who came in, he still have those pointy headset. He's headset is so pointy its freaking me out everytime I see it.

"(y/n) let's go" he said.

I was confused, oh well its better to come with him than sitting here doing nothing but watched Natsu and Gray fighting all day. Where are we going anyway?

"Where we going?" I asked.

"The tree we found when we were kids" he said.

"Hmmm..........." I was thinking about it.

"Just come already" he said.

"Yeah sure". I said.

We walk out of the guild and headed to the the tree we found when we were kids. It was a big and tall tree,the hill there was so great, the grass was so soft and the wind there is so great like its making you fly. And by night you could see thousands of stars up in the sky in that hill, so we decided that that's our favorite place.

"I can make it there fast than you bolt boy!" I said to him and started running since we're almost there.

"I told you not to call me that!" he said.

Then I tripped making me fall in slow motion.

A flash of lightning I saw catching me, I looked up to see who catch me and that guy was..........LAXUS!!! my old bestfriend. My heart beats so fast when he catch  me, I don't why but it just happen in an instant.

"Don't worry I'll always save you" he said.

"I'll always catch you from your fall, protect you from danger and save you at all cost even if it cost my life" he said.

The way he said it makes my heart beats faster than before, he was serious the way he said it. Well.....I did blush a little.

"Promise?" I asked.

"I Promise." he said.

~ Time skip ~

*Back At The Guild* Your POV

I walk fast to go to the bar counter to talk to Mirajane.

There she was cleaning some glass and I quickly ran to her.

"Hey mira" I whispered.

She looked at me with a confused look. Well that's because I quickly ran to her -_-.

"Can we talk in private?" I asked so suddenly.

"Huh? why?" she asked with still a confused look.

"I'll say it to you if we are in a private place" I whispered.

"Yeah sure" she respond quickly.

We are in a private place that only I know because the nature in this forests is so beautiful so I didn't tell it to anybody.....well I needed a private talk with Mirajane so I pulled her all the way here.

"Mira....." I said.

"What is it, (y/n)?" She asked me.

"H-how do y-you get c-closer t-to a b-boy?" I asked while a full red on my face >///<.

She smirked at me and asked me who is the boy -_-.

"J-just s-someone..." I said while still blushing.

"A special someone?" She asked with a smirked.

"Just tell me how to!" I pouted.

"How 'bout you two go on a mission together that makes you two close together all day?" She asked.

Why is she asking me when I'm the one who is asking her. But that was pretty good idea.

"Mira that's a great idea!" I screamed with joy and hugged her tightly.

"Okay, you can let me go now! I can't breathe!!" She said.

"Oh so sorry" I said while letting her go quick before she turn blue.

"But still thank you!" I said while going back at the guild leaving her there but then she realized that she was left alone HAHAHAHA I did came back for her I woudn't left a friend all alone I'm not that kind of person.

We are back at the guild, well the guild is always a ruckus so when we open the door its still a ruckus.

"Mira, I'll just go home now" I said to her.

"See you tomorrow then, (y/n)" She said to me before I left.

I walk home and open the door in front of me. I take a bath and go to bed early. That's because I'll go with Laxus on a mission, our first mission together. I'm so excited!! I can't even sleep.

Sorry if it is short again but the next chapter will be longer! I'm sure of it. You guys just relax while I have the stress of continuing the story. WOAH! wait a minute Don't forget to comment and vote and Keep Loving Laxus!

Laxus x Reader: Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now