Girls' Night Out

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Hey guys! Hope you like the umm...the chapter of this sucks. This sucks! I have no idea what to say so umm...hope you enjoy this chapter!

Your POV

I finally got home all wet. The rain is really strong tonight huh? Hmm...what to do? I have really no idea what to do mirajane to have a sleep over? What am I talking about it's raining so strong! How can she come! Stupid
head with a stupid mind!

"Well...I have food, I can just cook something...let's see what we got in my fridge."

"Cheese, flour, milk, sugar, salt, and...eww what is that? A smelly old sandwich? I disgust natsu."

I could bake a cake for myself and just eat it...NO! I will gain weight! Just a peice of it...yeah that would be great!

~ After 2 hours ~

"Finally! It's done! And it looks good too."

*Sighs* don't know what to say. I'm gonna watch a movie, a scary movie. That would be great!

I keep changing the channels because there are no scary movies! Only this squishy, romantic couples that keeps kissing to each other! That's gross man! And...FINALLY! I found a scary movie! Argh! It's a couples again kissing to each other! What's with the tv tonight?! Oh well, I hope they die first!

Jeash! What the hell is this?! It's all about just...the thing! And this ghost is just jealous of them! What kind of "scary" movie is this?! Wait...I notice myself...why am I angry at the couples anyway? Probably because I'm single 😭.

Ok...maybe this is good. The ghost learn how to fall in love again and because of this other ghost guy, who's looking for a lover too. They are so sweet! And they left the couples too that is the humans. Wait what?! As soon the humans turned around from the ghost...the ghost killed the humans!? I covered myself with a blanket and hug a soft, squishy pillow that is beside me.

*doorbell rings*

Someone rang the doorbell so I got up shaking...what if it's the ghost couples?! Or maybe a killer who came to kill me?! So I slowly go to the door and slowly open it...I saw Mira-san, Erza-kun, Lu-chan and the other Fairy Tail girls.

"What are you guys doing here? Wasn't it raining so strong?" I asked them.

"It was and after the rain stop we came over to..." Mira-san said not continuing what?

"GIRL'S NIGHT OUT!!!" All the girls said that...awww that's so sweet.

"So (y/n), you wanna come?" Lisanna asked Of course I will!

"Oh you know I will!" I answered her question.

"By the way, where's Evergreen?" I asked them.

"She's probably with the thunder god tribe, maybe they're stuck with their mission."

"Oh...then let's go CRAZYYY!" I shout and the other scream too, we are crazy tonight baby!

Evergreen's POV

It was raining hard a few hours ago now it seems the sky really looks nice...with the stars everywhere in the sky and the moon is actually pretty. Seems like the perfect night to sing while looking at the bright blue sky fill with stars and a pretty moon.

Laxus x Reader: Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now