My Bestfriend Girlfriend.

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Happy New Year Minna-san! I hope you have a good time today! It is already 2016!!! Whooo! Yeah Baby! Speaking of New Year, what is your new year's resolution? Mine...umm...I'm gonna be good this year! No going malls, no saying bad words but I will not nor never! I will never stop LOVING LAXUS! I Love him! But anyways I hope you like this chapter! Happy New Year once again! Thanks for the 4k readers!

Your POV

Kinana ran to Erik and help him get up but he was okay....I guess? He looked pretty bad...wait no. He is not. He is just pretending....or not?

"(Y/n)..." Erik said to me.

"What is it?" I asked him and looked at him.

"Your boyfriend sure is pretty strong. I approve." He said to me. I blushed when he said those words in front of everyone in the guild.

"Y-yeah...thanks for approving..." I said while blushing and Erik smirked.

"What did he mean by approve?" I heard Lucy asked.

"Yeah. What did he mean?" This time Erza asked.

"Well we had a deal." I answered there question but still they have the look on their faces that are confused.

"You see we had a deal. Erik said if I had a boyfriend that is stronger than him he will approve but when I have a boyfriend who is weaker than him, he will beat him to a pulp and I have to break up with him. And when Erik have a girlfriend who will be with him for 7 months that means he truly love her and I will approve but if I said to Erik that girl is not my type and they didn't even last for 5-6 months that means he doesn't like her either and have to break up with her." I explained.

"When did you guys made that deal?" Laxus asked me.

"A few years ago...maybe 2-3 years ago." I amswered his question.

"Wait...Erik how months are we together now?" Kinana asked.

"You guys are already 9 months and I approve. No need to worry, Kinana." I answered her question this time.

"Good thing." Was all she responded back to me.

" guys both win?" Erza asked.

"Yeah we both won." I said.

"It's a tie." Mirajane said while smiling.

"Anyway...speaking of dealing or bets...why don't we party for the winners!" Master yelled at the second floor.

"Jeash gramps it's just a male and a female united together." I said while smiling.

"But I will finally have a GRAND GRAND CHILDRENS!!! Who's grand grand father will not be happy for that?! I know I am!!! Whooo! Hooray!" Master yelled.

When I heard that I suddenly blushed. Will it come true? Will Laxus be my husband? Will Laxus be the father?...

"Will Laxus finally be my...forever?" I said...wait did I said that out loud? I hope he didn't heard it or I will blushed here so hard.

Laxus's POV

"Will Laxus finally be my...forever?" I heard (y/n) said those words.

"Definetely." I answered her question and she looked at me then I smirked at her and well...she blushed.

"Forever, babe." I said to her and then she smiled at me and she hug me and of course I hug her back not to tightly. Just the right amount.

"I'm so happy!" She yelled at everyone at the guild.

"What's the ruckus, (y/n)?" Natsu asked.

"That Laxus will be my partner forever!!!" She yelled again and I just smiled at her.

"THEN LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!" Gramps shouted so happily. I coudn't help but grinned.

Then we just party all night. Cana just keep drinking while gramps is doing that too. Erza eating her favorite cake that is strawberry cake. Flaim Brain and Pervert Stripper are fighting again. Lucy and Levy is chatting and laughing to each other while Metal head is just looking at Levy and his exceed is just staring at him and Levy.

Me? I'm just sitting here with (y/n) who is already drunk and fell asleep on my shoulder. I just keep her on my shoulder and I looked at her.

'She's Beautiful.' I thought to myself.

"My Bestfriend Girlfriend." I whispered to myself.

What up? I hope you like this chapter. Whatever. I'm just gonna eat peanutbutter bars and carbonara and a little spaghetti and some mango cake. They prepared so many foods! Bye! See ya later!

Laxus x Reader: Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now