This Sucks.

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Hey yooooo~ how's it going guys? Hope you have a really good time because...ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!! YEAHHHH! 😂✌🏻️😁😆 and tomorrow (Nov. 24 , 2015) will be my FIELD TRIP so I'll be gone for hours 5:00 am till 9:00 pm I'll be gone sooo....Don't blame me 😭😭😂👌🏻 I'll just stop typing now and continue the story...Oh yeah don't forget to vote and KEEP LOVING LAXUS LIKE I DO. 😂😂😘💖😁😁

Laxus's POV (at his mission with his team)

'We just finish our mission and we were going to the guild but...It began to start raining, I know Evergreen is going to be mad if her hair get wet so...I look for a hotel for tonight and in the morning we'll get to the guild and leave them there while I go to my house and sleep for the day. Damn! That mission really killed my back!'

"Look there's a city!" Freed shouted and point to the city he is talking about.

We ran to the city and we found a hotel well that's good.

"Good evening guests!" The girl said in the counter.

I walk to the counter to get a room of course.

"Hi there~" she whispers to me.

"I need for rooms for the night."

"Oh yes~ Sir" she said to me and she wink at me only.

"Shut up and just do your job, you freak" I said to her so she'll leave me alone besides a girl already stole my heart.

"H-here are y-your k-keys" she said that while she's terrified now.

I walk away from the counter and I give them each one key and I go to my room and they did go to their rooms too.

I open the door of my room and I saw the inside of my room Its actually pretty big and it look so clean. After I look around my room...I lay in my bed.

'Damn! That feels so good!'

Your POV (at Lucy's house)

FINALLY THAT'S OVER! Who woudn't be tired of planning a birthday party suprise? I mean c'mon! I was the first to say to them I'll go to the guild and get a cake for myself. Yeah that would be SWEET!

"Bye guys! See you all tomorrow!" I said to them.

"Bye (y/n)!" They all said to me.

I walk out the door and I'm going shopping to have dinner and for dessrt CAKE! But it was raining good thing I brought my umbrella or I'll get wet because of this rain.

"This sucks."

Sorry guys I know its short but forgive me I'm just really excited for my field trip and I have to pack my things or my mom will kill me😂😂👌🏻😭✌🏻️ PEACE! KEEP LOVING LAXUS!😭😁👌🏻 just so you know I love him so...I'll be like juvia, I'm your LOVE RIVAL if you love or have a crush on him😁👊🏼👊🏼💪🏻👌🏼
UNDERSTAND? If you don't I will truly beat you or might even kill you👊🏼👊🏼💪🏻👌🏼😜

Laxus x Reader: Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now