Birthday Planner

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Hey yows~ ....Can you guys decide my question...please TwT....It's about if I'm gonna put a liitle ecchi on it or not? please decide cause I don't know what I'm gonna decide ^w^ that's all hope you like this part :D cause...I don't know if it is good or not -_-/// but still! I'm trying my best!! >^< Don't forget to COMMENT AND VOTE KEEP LOVING LAXUS ^v^ cause I do ^///^ >w<.

Your POV (6 years later) and after Laxus turn bad and after the tenrou island -_-

'Laxus....Why am I feeling this way?...'

'Everytime I see you...My heartbeats so fast and...This new strange feeling WHAT IS THIS?'


Someone called my name...Mirajane.

"Oh Mira-san, Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Can you help me put all the boxes in the basement? Master asked me if we can do it together." She smiled at me...Well I can't say no to the Master of Fairy Tail.

"Yeah I got nothing to do anyway." I answered her and of course with a smile, Mirajane Strauss is my Best Friend and she's like a sister to me. She's kind, sweet, helpful, strong, industrious, and...well always smiling.

I carry a few boxes and open the door of the basement and woah...There are so many old books in here. It's like an old library in here...Do Levy know about this? well, who cares I'm going back to work.

"Ah! (y/n), I almost forgot to tell you after this Erza and Lucy want to see you at Lucy's house." She said to me. 'Why do they want to see me? I haven't did anything wrong.' 'Oh well, guess I'll be there.'

"Is that so? Why do they want to see me?" I asked so I can know that nothing is wrong.

"Well, they did say they are gonna have a birthday party to celebrate and they said it should be a suprised for Wendy." She respond.

"Oh...just a few more boxes and we're done!" I said happily because I like suprises especially if it is a special occasions like birthday parties or anniversaries.

5 minutes later and we are done. I ran to the big door of Fairy Tail and ran to Lucy's house. I knock and Lucy open the door.

"Hi Lucy!" I greeted her nicely and happily.

"Ah! (y/n)! come in we were waiting for you." She said, as I came in and walk to the living room and was suprised that Natsu, Gray, Happy, Charle, Levy, Gajeel and a few others from the guild are here.

"(y/n)!!!" Natsu shouted my name when he saw me and of course everybody heard that so they saw me.

" (y/n), do you know about the birthday party suprise for wendy?" Erza asked me and of course I know that's because Mira-san told me.

"Yes Erza-chan." I respond to her.

"Now that everyone is here, let's plan for her birthday party! It's in 3 days in that many time, we can finish her birthday party. And if we finish earlier then somebody will call her early. If we are gonna not in time somebody will keep her away from the guild until I say so." Erza said to everybody.

"What kind of birthday party will we set for her?" I asked...'I'm really good at things like this, I can even plan for wedding!'

"Levy, can you asked her what is her favorites?" Erza asked Levy if she can asked Wendy what is her favoites.

"I know all her favorites so don't worry, we can plan for today then tomorrow we will start buying things and decorate it inside the guild." Charle quickly told them that she know what Wendy's favorites.

'Wow Charle? you guys really know each other.'

"Where the birthday party will be?" I asked them just in case where I'm gonna put all the present.

"I never really thought about that..." Erza said that.

"We can always borrow the guild..." Levy said to us.

"But we need to have permission from master..." Levy continued.

I looked to the right, looked to the left, look at the back, and look at the front but....he's not here. Where is Laxus? Should I look for him? Or...not? I'll just asked them where Laxus is...that woudn't be so bad is it?

"Umm, hey guys..." I said.

"What is it (y/n)?" Gray asked me.

"Have you guys seen Laxus? By chance?" I asked them.

"What's with you and Laxus today? I mean everyday?" Lucy asked.

"N-nothing!" I respond like a...I don't know.

"Are you blushing (y/n)?" Erza asked me.

"W-what? N-no!" I said like crazy.

"I'm just asking if you guys seen him, that's all."

"He and he's team go on to a mission" Mira said to me.

"Ah! Mirajane you came" Erza welcomed her.

'A mission?' That's interesting.

"What kind of mission?" I asked.

"It have to do somehing about lightning."

"Why'd you asked? Is there something between about you?" Mira asked me.

'Of all the questions this is your question?!'

"N-nothing!!!" I respond.

"Let's just continue the birthday suprise" I said so they won't know that I have a crush on Laxus...

"Right, so first things first" Lucy said.

'Thank you Lucy! You save me, I own you BIG TIME!!'

Well that's for today...sorry if I didn't continue the story for a very long time, I was just so busy watching and reading One Punch Man. I'm so so sorry hope you forgive me.

Laxus: It's your fault for not continuing the story for a long time.

Leiy:Hey! I said I was SORRY!!!

Laxus: You think these guys are gonna forgive you? I don't think so.

Leiy: Who are you to say those words!?

Leiy: Bye!

Laxus x Reader: Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now