THE GAMES {Chapter One}

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I woke in sweats. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. The walls were a dark brown, nearly a black. I turned to my bedside table and switched the lamp on. I moved my toes around as they touched the carpet. The carpet was extremely soft. I couldn't sleep. It was the day before we were to go into the games. The dreaded games. I knew that if I didn't get any sleep then I would be killed straight away. Thinking about that kept me awake even more.

Here in the Capitol we could have anything but when it came to tablets I wasn't allowed them. They just didn't understand my pain. I decided to talk a walk and get some air from the stuffy room. I pulled my cardigan on and left the room.

It was cool in the hall. I spotted something on the window sill. As I got closer I realised it was Peeta. After our earlier fallout due to him wanting to train alone. I didn't know if he wanted to speak to me. He looked up when he saw me stood looking down at him. 'You too?' He asked as I sat down across from him. I nodded. He looked out of the window and I admired his beauty. His blond hair fell perfectly. The boy with the bread. He would take me away anytime. He could marry me and we go just like life peacefully. It was more than that though. Kill or be killed was the motto of the games.

'They are cheering for us.' He said, looking into the distance. I looked out of the window too. I could hear a distant cheering. I could also see different coloured lights. It was pretty. Being in the penthouse had its advantages. You could see the whole of the Capitol. Although I hated the Capitol I must admit that it was beautiful and still is. The place is beautiful but the people themselves were monsters. Big, ugly, stupid monsters.

'I want to die myself.' He turned to me and caught my eye. 'Does that make any sense?' He asked. I shook my head. How could he die as anyone but himself? 'I don't want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I'm not.' I bit my lips, his words were touching me. I wanted to comfort him, tell him that it was alright.

'Do you mean you won't kill anyone?' I asked. The guilt was killing me. Punching him was not a good move, it would have made him hate me more.

'No when the time comes, I'm sure I'll kill just like everybody else. I can't go down without a fight. Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to show the Capitol that they don't own me. That I'm not just a piece in their games.' I gulped and looked away.

'I can't think like that Peeta.' My thoughts then turned to Prim. At that moment I wanted to contact her and ask if mother was actually taking care of her. I wanted to tell Prim that I would fight. She would have seen my interview. In that interview I wasn't the best with confidence. I made myself look weak. Look like an easy target.

I spend the rest of the night dipping into sleep. When the sun rises I drag myself from the bed. I was nervous. All I could think about was the setting in which the arena was. I needed that to help me in some way.

I was followed by two peacekeepers as I strolled down the hall and to the plane. My heart was racing. Haymitch met me in front of the plane for a pep talk. 'You will do great sweetheart.' He was sober for once. I tried to give him a smile but I couldn't manage it. 'Just fight sweetheart. Fight and you will have a chance.' He pulled me in and we stood hugging for a few seconds before they pulled me away to the plane.

It was a very modern plane. All of the tributes were sat in seats. Distance sat across from me. She looked petrified. A woman stopped by every tribute and said the same thing, 'Give me your arm.' When she stopped by me I kept my arm. 'Give me your arm.'

'What is that?' I asked holding my arm. She picked up my arm and inserted something into it. It stung.

'It's your tracker.' She said before going into the next tribute.

The ride lasted for around a half hour. I climbed down the ladder and was met by Cinna. He then escorted me to a small room where my coat hung and a glass tube stood. He closed the door and I fell into him warm arms. 'I'm scared.' I managed to say wearily.

One minute. I gulped time was going too fast. Peeta. My mind raced. Prim. Forty seconds. Gale. Thirty seconds. 'Katniss you have to be strong.' He walked me over to the tube and helped me in. Twenty seconds. The tube closed. I went into shock. Cinna had a grim expression. Fifteen seconds. The tube moved and I watched Cinna disappear.

Ten seconds. I looked around at the arena. Forest. I took a deep breath.

Eight. I looked to the cornucopia. My eyes dashed from each item. I stopped on the bow.

Seven. I looked to Peeta, he was next to Cato. Cato stared at me. He was probably working me out, my weaknesses.

Six. Peeta was mouthing something to me. 'Don't go for the bow.' I didn't need him to tell me what to do. I needed the bow to survive.

Five. I was shaking.





The gong. I ran forward. Cato was running towards me. I spotted a orange back pack and ran for it, forgetting the bow. What did Cato want. He wanted to kill me. After what I had said at the interview he probably wanted to kill me.  

I had told the whole of Panem that I loved him. After the interview he had kissed me. But we hadn't spoken since then. I had mixed feelings. Peeta had declared his love for me. That was what caused me to punch him. Even though he knew I loved Cato, he still tried to help me.

I looked for him. Peeta had gone. Cato had reached me. I waited for death. He grabbed my hand. 'I will protect you.' He pulled me to cornucopia killing anyone in his way. No one dared touch me. No one was in the cornucopia but Clove was approaching quickly. Cato grabbed a load of weapons and even handed me some. Then we ran. We ran into the vast woods.

We must have ran for half an hour before thinking we had cotton far enough. We came to a lake. Cato sat and I sat next to him. I wondered why he had chosen me instead of the careers. 'Why did you save me?' I asked quietly. He turned to me.

'Because you love me.' I looked down to the ground. He began to fiddle around with his knife, making a hole in the ground.

'You didn't have to save me though. You could have left me to die.'

'No I couldn't.' What if it was all a set up? Why would he love me? A girl from the poorest district in Panem. 

'Why?' Cato pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back, enjoying the moment. The moment where I felt safe. Cato was going to protect me. He was going to keep me safe. Because he wanted me.

Cato wanted me.

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