HELP ME {Chapter Two}

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I woke when the cannon began to fire telling us how many tributes had been killed so far. I counted. Twelve, there was half of us still in the games. In turned to Cato. He looked tired. I put my hand on his. 'You go to sleep now.' He looked at me. He wasn't sure he could trust me but what would I do without him?

'Will you be okay?' He asked with a caring tone. 'Here is a knife.' He handed it to me. I looked down at it, thinking about if I could actually bring myself to use it. I smiled slightly at him. He rested his head and closed his soft eyes.

I looked around the clearing and found myself alone. The woods were quiet. All I could hear were the mockingjays. Then I heard a twig snap. My heart began to race. From the bushes emerged Clove. She glared at me and then to Cato. 'I knew he would go to you. You bitch!' Clove then jumped at me. I heard Cato stir from his sleep. I needed him to help me. I knew if I made one sound she would kill me then and there.

'I'm sorry.' I shouted. That made Cato wake up. He jumped to his feet, knife in hand. Clove glared at him and put a knife to my neck. I gulped. my heart was racing. I didn't want to die without a fight but at that moment I was at the point of death. I had no upper hand in the situation. Cato looked to me. He could see my fear. I started at him.

All of a sudden Clove let go and fell to the ground. A knife had pierced her back. Cato ran to me and held me. Out of the bushes appeared a small black girl. I remember her from training. She had made Cato fight with another tribute because she stole his knife. She was hanging from the ceiling.

He aimed his spear at her. 'No.' I shouted at him. Cato turned to me.

'What?' He said angrily.

'Don't hurt her.' I then stepped over to her. 'She saved us.' The girl looked to me. She reminded me of Prim.

'She might have saved us but she could kill us at any moment.' I stared a th Cato. He wanted to kill the little girl that must have been only twelve or so. It was her first year with her name in the bowl and so far the odds were not in her favour. Cato was not helping her luck.

'Like you could kill me at any moment.' As soon as the words exited my mouth I had wished I had said nothing. That would make Cato think that I didn't trust him. It would make him think about killing me earlier than he already was.

'Katniss...' Cato gazed at me. I could tell he was angry. I took a deep breath.

'I'm sorry.' I said calmly. He looked to the girl and sighed.

'What's your name?' He asked bitterly.

'Rue.' Cato smiled slightly at her.

'Okay you can stay with us, Rue.' She smiled at him and thanked him. Cato walked up to me a hugged me. 'You need to be careful next time. Clive could have killed you.' I hugged him back. When he pulled away he kissed my forehead. It made me calm. As we walked away I heard the cannon go for Clove and when I turned around she was no longer there. I smiled, one less threat. 11 more tributes to kill.

We stopped when we found the lake closest to the cornucopia. We sat around it and drank from the murky water. Like Haymitch had said 'Water is your new best friend.' It was true, we couldn't live without water. Cato turned to me and smiled kindly.

'What weapon suits you best? Knife, sword or bow.' I thought for a moment, wondering if I should give my strength to Cato. That would make it easier for him to kill me. But what if he didn't want to kill me?

'Bow.' I said easily. It just slipped from my mouth. When he smiled it freaked me out a little.

'I know who has that and I know a way to get one step closer to winning as well.' I gulped. I knew what he had in mind. He wanted to kill someone to get my bow. I was against it but I needed the bow to survive.

'And what is that?'

Cato had told me to climb up the tree and wait next to the tracker jacker nest. He would then wait in the bushes and signal to me when to cut it down and unleash the tracker hackers upon the sleeping Glimmer and Marvel. I had convinced Rue to stay behind and meet us at the lake.

When the time came Cato sent me the signal. I took out the saw like knife and began to saw the branch. I could hear the tracker jackers getting agitated. I looked down to Cato but he didn't notice, he was staring at Glimmer and Marvel. I still sawed but when I looked down to see out victims I saw something that I had never wanted to see. It was Peeta.

Peeta. I was going to kill Peeta.

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