Chapter 10- Let's make it interesting.

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So I know I said I wouldn't update because I've been extremely busy and I have exams starting Monday but honestly? I got over 2,000 reads in ONE day! and 100 VOTES! 


So here is a really short update for you guys, but it kinda makes things a bit interesting....



Maca's POV

After I got ready, I headed to where we were being served breakfast. I got a bagel, some cream cheese, some orange juice, and sat down next to Niall, who was sitting across from Harry. 

No one else was up yet, so it was just us three. 

For some reason Harry kept staring at me weird with a smirk on his face...?

"Um... is there something on my face?" I asked looking at Harry and Niall, and I noticed Niall mouthing something to Harry.

He didn't. He couldn't have. No one is supposed to know.

"Uh yeah actually, you have some cream cheese on your cheek. Here, let me get that for ya, babe." Harry reached over from across the table and gently swiped his thumb across my cheek. "There, that's better." And he flashed one of his smiles, showing off his dimples.


"Thank you.." I said, sounding a bit confused and just gave him a smile. I didn't want to think much of it because that usually leads to me overreacting. 


"Sooo... Where did you go last night, babe? We noticed you left the concert early." Asked Harry.

Niall choked and spit out some of the tea he was drinking. My eyes widened, how could he know? Niall wasn't supposed to tell.

I could just tell him I went back to my hotel room and went to bed, but I feel like he knows more. And I'm mad he knows more. Niall was supposed to stay quiet about this, and that fact that he told Harry not even an hour after we talked, kind of pisses me off.

But since, Harry knows, I might as well explain. Or lie.

"I went back to my room because I wasn't feeling well and Niall came over to ask me a question and I thought I'd do a one-on-one interview, and well, that's what happened."

"Oh is that so? am I a gonna get one of these "one-on-one" interviews you speak of?" Harry said making quotation marks in the air with his fingers and with a smirk across his face so obvious, I could tell Niall had told him what had happened, but I wasn't going to give in.

That's when I noticed Niall staring at me with a sort of concern and anger in his face, kind of wanting me to say no. But why would he be angry? He's the one who told Harry in the first place, not me.

"Sure, that's my job, isn't it?" I said as a took a bite of my bagel and shrugged. And I could see out of the corner of my eye both Harry and Niall with their mouths open, not expecting what I had just said.


Niall's POV

"What the hell was that?" I whispered to Maca as I caught up to her once I finished my breakfast and she was walking back to her room.

"What do you mean?" She said with an angry tone, looking me in the eyes.

"What you told Harry!" I said, not whispering anymore.

"You were the one who told him, Niall. What was I supposed to say? This is supposed to be my job and I only get a week with you guys, and I want to enjoy it. I don't want to get fired over something stupid and for not doing my job." She said and I could tell that saying that broke her a little, and she didn't mean it.

"Stupid? Maca, please don't pretend like you didn't feel anything last night or this morning because I know..."

"Niall, I can't. I shouldn't, I..." She said shaking her head and looking at the floor.

"Babe, please. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to tell Harry..." I tried grabbing her hand but she pulled away.

"But you did!" She looked hurt. So hurt, and it was all my fault. I had hurt her, and I needed to fix it. I had betrayed her by telling Harry something I wasn't supposed to when I could have just lied.

I noticed the song the hotel was playing, Within You by Ray LaMontagne. And that sort of told me that I just needed to tell her how I felt.

"The answer is within you

Love, love

Love, love

Love, love

Love, love"

"I did, I know, and I'm sorry. But it was only because he already knew. Harry and I share a room and he noticed I was gone last night and was already awake by time I got back, and that's something I had completely forgotten about. I told him nothing happened and he believed me, but I don't even think I believe myself. I don't know how to explain this... this weird feeling I have when I see you, when I'm around, I... I can't explain it because I've never experienced anything like this before. I don't think I have ever fancied a girl so fast and I need to know if you feel or felt anything last night too."

"Niall I can't..."

"Please, babe." I put my right hand on the left side of her face, making my index finger lift up her chin and my thumb rub her cheek gently, making her look at me in the eyes.

I got closer, and she didn't move, still looking at me in the eyes. I put my forehead against hers.

"Please." I said whispering again.

She was looking at my lips. I put my thumb over her lips and rubbed them gently, feeling how soft they were. I leaned in, not knowing if she would push me away or not. Neither one of us saying anything or moving at all. Our lips were so close, yet it felt like we were both frozen. Not knowing what to do.

"Please." I said one more time brushing my lips against hers as that six letter word escaped my lips.

I leaned in, pressing my lips to hers as gently as I could. When our lips met, I felt something inside of me that I had never felt before. A feeling I could never describe. I placed my left hand on her waist, pulling her closer to me. She put her hands behind my neck and tangled her fingers in my hair, pulling me closer to her. Her lips were perfect and tasted like berries. She was so gentle, and I wanted to be the same with her. Kissing Maca felt so right, and I didn't want to stop.

When we pulled away, our foreheads touched again. Both of us breathing heavily. Not moving.

That's when I knew that I did in fact, fancy her.



Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much again! 


Also, look at the images on the side because I always make them match the chapter :) xx

oh and any of my links and thingys are in my description in my profile if you want them!

love youu xxx

PS. remember I won't be able to update for about two weeks since I have exams! And that's why  I gave you this short little update. sorryyyy :( xxxxx

 PPS. IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, read the fight and make-up part with the song playing in the background because it makes it x1232412 cuter

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