Chapter 12- Trouble

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Luke's POV

On our way back to the hotel, Maca and I were laughing at I honestly don't even know what when we ran into the One Direction boys.

We said hi to them and they said hi back.

I noticed that Niall looked sort of pissed off but I wouldn't know why he would be. It's not like him and Maca have anything going on, right? Not anything that I know about, anyway.

Maybe he's sort of jealous. Good. I saw Macarena first anyway. And he should be jealous. It looked like she had a really good time with me today and she wanted someone to spend time with. I had a good time with her too. We even exchanged numbers so now I could text her whenever I wanted, without being annoying of course. She was really chill and easy going, she drove a nice car, a stick too, she liked food, and she has a good taste in music as well.

She's not like one of those girls who are stuck up and always talk about what they look like or themselves. She didn't make things awkward or wait for me to start a conversation, she did that herself, and I like that.

She told me how she was a fan is us and of me since my first YouTube video and still watches our covers until today.

Whenever she talked and was driving at the same time, I couldn't help but look at her and how beautiful she was.

She has a gorgeous smile with two really noticeable dimples. She has really dark brown eyes, that look almost black but in the light, they are a gorgeous light brown. She has really long eyelashes and really long light brown hair too, that gets lighter as it gets to the ends. She doesn't really wear makeup, other than that stuff girls put on their eyelashes, but she doesn't need it. She has nothing to hide or cover.

She's kind of the perfect girl.

"Alright guys well Luke and I have to go get ready for the concert, We'll see you there!" Maca said to the boys, breaking me out of my thought, and we walked up to the lift to go back to our rooms.


On the lift up, I decided to ask her about Niall, maybe she knew what was up with him or maybe they had something going on.

"So what's up with Niall? He looked kinda mad?"

"Yeah, I noticed that too but I have no idea why he would be, he was fine this morning."

This morning? Am I missing something?

"What happened this morning?" I gave her a confused look and she gave me a face like she had just told me something she wasn't supposed to tell.

"Oh, uh nothing. I meant this morning when when Harry, Niall, and I had breakfast....he seemed fine then." She said it in a nervous tone but I decided to just let it go, I didn't want to annoy her, I'm just getting to know her.

"Oh alright, that's just weird then." I said to her.

"Yeah it kinda is" She said smiling at me and laughing a little.

Maca's POV

When the elevator stopped, Luke and I got off, said goodbye, and each walked to our own room.

I wasn't lying to Luke when I told him that I didn't know why Niall looked mad. I really wanted to know why Niall looked mad or sort of jealous, especially now that I was sure I wasn't the only one who noticed.

Niall was probably on his way to the arena and I really didn't have a way to reach him, after all, I didn't have his number, and tweeting him just wouldn't be right.

I decided to wear some jean shorts and the MTV shirt Sarah gave Pete and I. I tucked it in, and put my shoes on. I grabbed my backstage pass, phone, and sunglasses and went over to get Pete.

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