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"I'm Minseok but Please, call me Xiumin." I smiled as i looked into his eyes with a blush rising to my face. I sat down in the chair and got the files out before taking a deep breath.

'Dad... What did you get me into?'


I sat silently as he looked over the papers and looked around the room. I watched the buildings outside the windows which were the same as outside in the other room, floor to ceiling. "Would you like to go see the view?" His voice startled me once again but i nodded with a shy smile. 

I got up and instead of standing beside the window, i sat down a little ways away and took in the view. I heard steps fall beside me and saw out of the corner of my eye that he leaned over to see my face better. "Why not stand?" 

I looked up towards him before looking into my lap playing with the edge of my shirt, "I'm kinda scared of heights unless i have control over the situation." I saw him sit down beside me but instead of looking outside he was still looking at me, "What do you mean by that?" I sighed before looking out at the cars and people below us the best i could. 

"If there was a wall here or let's say a balcony, i wouldn't be as scared to be closer because they both can hold me against falling whereas this is ceiling to floor glass, if i happen to lean against it too much it could break and i could fall. Hence  i don't have control over what can happen, nothing can stop me." When i got to the end i looked over towards him. "I would stop that from happening." He said as he smiled a bright, cheeky smile my way. Here comes the blush. Again.

"Did you finish looking over the papers?" I asked pointing to his desk with my thumb remembering the reason i came, "If you have questions i can give you a phone number to call to ask if you'd like?" 

He stood up and held his hand out to me, "Will it be your number?" I looked down as i took his hand and stood up beside him walking over to the desk, "No, it will be the Secretary's number." I looked back up to him as he sat down and pulled a pen and a sticky note out noticing a small playful pout. 

"How about i have both then? So if i can't reach the secretary's number i can ask you?" I knew what he was trying to do but i wasn't complaining. I grabbed the sticky note and pen from him and wrote my father's number and a fake number that went to an automated voice message. Did you think i'd give it that easy? I wanna make this fun.  Besides, it gives him a reason to find me again. Although now that i think about it he could do this with everyone. 

My confidence fell and so did my self-esteem, feeling like a fool for blushing at a simple smile or eye contact. Since it was in a fake number i didn't bother scratching it out. I set it back on his desk and took the files putting them into my bag. I noticed his curious expression at how i suddenly became distant. I bowed politely and turned to the door, "I look forward to hearing your beautiful voice again Ellie!" I hate to admit but i still blushed, maybe i was over reacting and he didn't do this with every girl. Maybe he genuinely did like me.


My knees fell to the concrete as i dropped my phone not caring if it broke. I could hear the person calling my name distantly. "Ellie? Ellie! Ellie are you ok?!"  I had just walked up to my car when i got a call from Macy. She was one of my friends and had apparently saw my dad getting pushed into an ambulance. She couldn't tell if it was really bad but it looked very serious. My dad was the only person in my life. He can't leave me like this. Without thinking i opened my car door and took off not knowing i had left my phone.

Once i reached the Hospital i quickly parked and rushed inside. I looked around frantically before speed walking to the front desk. "Excuse me? Do you know what room Daniel Jones is in?" I saw her type some things in before asking, "What is your relations?" 

"He's my father." I stated rubbing my face.

"He's in the surgery room right now. May i ask you to sit down and wait?" I nodded at her request and walked over slumping into a chair. I turned sideways and hugged my knees to my chest as i leaned against the back of the chair. A few minutes passed by when the lady behind the desk walked over to me gently tapping my arm. I looked up to her sniffling as she handed me a clip board with papers on it. 

"Please read and sign these and when you're done bring them back up to me?" I nodded silently as i sat correctly to read over the papers. They were consent forms for my father's surgery. I signed them quickly before setting it beside me for the time being. Reading them made the reality of the situation hit me all over again. My father is hurt and in surgery. 

I heard someone sit a few chairs down and i quickly reached into my bag grabbing tissues to wipe my face before bringing the clipboard up to the lady. She smiled and said thank you but i didn't have the energy to smile back so i just slightly nodded. On my way back to my seat i glanced over to the person who i heard sit down and it was my CEO Kyungsoo.  I leaned back against the chair closing my eyes. 

'Maybe i should call grandpa and tell him what happened...' I reached over to my bag and realized i left it in the LastTip parking lot. I sighed heavily and put my face into my palms. "Great. Just my luck."

"Do you need to call someone?" I heard someone say from my left side. I looked up and saw Kyungsoo looking at me boringly holding out his phone. "Thank you Sir." I grabbed his phone and typed in the number calling my grandfather telling him about the news. He was just as in shock as i but i assured him he is just in surgery and will be fine. I told him that i'll call him again when dad wakes up before ending the call and hanging it back to Kyungsoo. 

He stared at it with a disgusted face. Confused i looked down at the phone and saw that it had tear marks on it. I quickly rubbed them off cleaning his screen and handing it back to him. His fingers brushed mine but i assumed the rush i had got was adrenaline because of the situation i was in and ignored it. But he didn't

"Are you his daughter?" I glanced back at him before closing my eyes pushing my face back into my hands. "Yes i am why do you ask?" He didn't answer but i heard some keypad typing and then a pause followed by his voice, "Would you like to be my new Secretary until your father is better?" At this my eyes shot open and i glared at him. "My father was at a meeting with you the whole time before getting hurt, Correct?" He looked up to me and nodded watching me curiously. "Then how in the hell did he get hurt and you don't have a scratch on you?" Little did i know that he was actually hurt and had pushed my father out of the way but  my father still got the worst of it. "Because he protected me like he is supposed to. That's part of his job." 

"No! That is part of the body guards job. Not the secretary's" I turned my body towards him to be more imitating but it didn't seem to work because all he did was smirk. "So are you gonna take the offer or?..."  I glared harder at him. "Why should i?" 

He looked off into space for a moment before looking back at me, "I'll pay the hospital bills." 

This had caught me off guard, i didn't think of the possible cost of the surgery and the recovery bills. I sighed in defeat and looked at him before nodding.

"Good Choice."

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