~14 Kyungsoo Ending~

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  "I choose....."   



All of a sudden i heard a sigh and saw Kyungsoo's head fall down in relief. Xiumin suddenly jumped up and started to yell at me, "WHAT?!" 

"How can you pick him?! I thought what we had and what we did at the amusement park meant something to you?!" I didn't notice at the time but  Kyungsoo had raised his head and looked between us at this new found information.

I stood up and held my hands out to try to calm him down, "Xiumin, please sit down it's ok." 

"No it's not Ellie! I loved you and this is the payment i get back for it?!" He ran his hands through his hair forcefully and yelled out in anger. He grabbed my table and flipped it over. I had jumped back at the sudden motion and felt myself hit a hard chest. 

Xiumin turned and saw me against Kyungsoo and he laughed in disbelief. I saw his eyes fill up with tears as they started to stream down his face, "You're even leaning against him right in front of me and you don't even fe-" His voice had begun to crack in the middle of his sentence and he just turned his head away and stopped talking. 

"I wish i never met you Ellie. You're the worst person ever. You led me on and didn't even give two shits about me."

I opened my mouth to disprove that thought but he just turned around and walked away. 

I turned around after i heard my front door slam and was engulfed in Kyungsoo's arms. 

"I'm sorry that he  said those things to you..." 

I hid my face in his shirt as i let the tears overflow from my eyes. I never liked it when someone yells or gets angry towards me. 


I walked into work and had a bright stupid smile across my face. When i went into Kyungsoo's office i was greeted by silence. I walked over in front of Kyungsoo and bent down to his level, "Are you ok?" 

He continued to sign papers and responded with a cold "Fine." I frowned and sat down on one of the couches and he raised his eyes to me for the first time since i walked in, "Go make copies of these papers." I looked at him and grabbed them, "Please?" 

I stood waiting for him to say it but he ignored me. I furrowed my eyebrows in anger and i stomped off to make the copies. Upon returning  i set the papers down in front of him still trying to be civil. 

Once more i stood waiting for his manners to kick in and maybe tell me a Thank you but nothing came from him. I huffed in annoyance and plopped down onto the couch as i crossed my legs and crossed my arms. I stared at the wall trying to imagine a logical reason for him to act this way towards me. Nothing came to mind...

"Ellie." I looked towards Kyungsoo at the sound of my name as instinct and noticed he had a few folders in his hand. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and scoffed. 

"How about you do it yourself Jerk."

The lunch bell tolled behind me and i got up and turned around walking away with a smirk on my face, 'How does it feel?' 

I walked down to the lunch room and got a cheeseburger and fries. Kyungsoo made me angry and i don't care for the calories right now.  

...For cafeteria food this burger is hella good to be honest... I'll have to come back and get another tomorrow. 

I dumped the tray and set it on top of the rest before making my way back up to the CEO room. Half way i decided that i won't go back, I'm going to go have fun. I pushed the button on the elevator to take me back down to the basement and i rested against the railing. 

I'm actually going to skip work. Me, Ellie the goodie two shoes who always follows the rules and listens to everything and everyone, is actually going to do bad and skip work. The adrenaline is amazing.


I pulled into Milky Bee and locked the car as i walked in and sat in a small booth. The server came over with a menu and went to tend to her other tables as i looked over what all they had. I decided i'll try the rose ice cream with Chocolate and yoghurt and i handed the woman the menu back as i sat and watched the cars pass by on the busy sidewalk. I held my head in my hand as i thought back to Kyungsoo.

'I wonder what got him so riled up to be rude to me the day after i choose him over Xiumin.'

"Here you go ma'am" I gasped and took the ice cream cone from her, "Thank you!" I smiled to her as she went away and started on my ice cream before it melted away.

Once i was done i walked up and paid. Stepping outside i took a deep breath of air. I had a bad feeling in my stomach and i decided to tell Kyungsoo that im away on errands but as i went to reach for my phone i realised it wasn't on me. I franticly padded my coat and pockets down until i remembered that i left it back in his office. 

"Welp.. guess i'll tell him in face" 

I hopped into the car and drove back to JoyZone taking the long route.


"Kyun-" I was cut off because as soon as i had opened that door i was engulfed once more into someone's arms. I smelled the strange man's cologne and knew it was Kyungsoo. I suddenly heard crying in my right ear and i  hugged him and started to rub his back gently. "What's wr-" 

"I'm so sorry Ellie, i didn't mean to be a jerk and when you didn't come back i was so worried that something bad had happened and when i called i saw you left your phone here and i didn't know what to do and i was just really stressed out and i was just thinking that if you had died or got hurt that those would be your last memories of me and that you might have gone back to Xiumin because you didn't want me any more an-" 

I pulled away from him and held his face in my hands, "Shhh, I didn't get hurt now did i? I'm sure you had a reason to be cold to me but i'd like to know it, is that ok?"  

He nodded as i brushed his tears away with my thumbs and he sniffled, "When Xiumin got angry and mentioned an amusement park i got really jealous about what you two could have done and imagining him holding you and being sweet to you and touching you made me really jealous and i didn't know how to handle it since i never felt that way before and i took it out on you without meaning too. I'm Sorry..." 

I smiled and let out a giggle, "You dork, i wouldn't leave you over a small wall like that. Sure i was mad and upset but i wasn't going to leave you for it." I tapped his nose with my index finger and smiled more, "You got jealous? That's adorable." 

The camera pulled away from us and panned up to look out the windows of the room as we bump our noses together laughing.

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