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This had caught me off guard, i didn't think of the possible cost of the surgery and the recovery bills. I sighed in defeat and looked at him before nodding.

"Good Choice."


I awoke to a strange alarm. I remembered that i still haven't found my phone but i wasn't so worried about that.  I layed there watching my door waiting for my father to walk in with breakfast and his cheesy song....But he didn't. A few details about what happened; He made it through surgery all right and now im just waiting for him to wake up. The doctor said that he doesn't know how long that will take but it shouldn't be longer than a week or two. I turn onto my back and look to the ceiling before closing my eyes. 'No time for tears Ellie. You have to go to your job.' 

I did my daily routine but now it was 8:00 when i awoke instead of 7:00 since i'm taking over my father's job. I still don't think it was right to tempt me with money but we were average not too poor but not rich enough. So we could pay it....just would take a lot of years. I walked over to my bed once i was done to get dressed but there wasn't an outfit on the bed. "Isn't there supposed to be clothes here?" i stated out loud to the walls. 

I suddenly remembered that i came home tired from crying and so because of that i didn't bother to get an outfit ready. Groaning i opened my closet and was ready to grab my usual jeans and dress shirt but i realized that i can't show up dressed like that, im the secretary of the CEO, i need to look professional. Flipping through the clothes i pulled out a pastel green dress that looked like it was from the 1950's. If you know me then you'd know i adore pastel colors and 1950's dresses. This was actually from a friend of mine for my birthday. I almost broke her ears from the screech i did. It was great.

Once i had the dress on i checked my make up and hair one more time before walking to the kitchen, grabbing a banana nut muffin, my keys, bag, and taking off out the door.....which resulted in me having to run back up the steps to the apartment and locking it because i forgot. I jumped into my car and turned on the heater before backing out and driving to JoyZone. 

I'm so looking forward today~


I walked off the elevator and up to the desk. "Is the CEO in yet? I'm the new secretary" I noticed her looking at me up and down before raising an eyebrow and pointing to the door next to her. I smile in a nice way but once i took off to the door i rolled my eyes at her. 'What does she like him or something?'

Once i entered i stood in front of his desk and bowed at a 90° angle in front of him. 

"Hello Sir, I am Ellie Jones and i am your new secretary. I'm taking my father's pla-"

"What is this?" I stop and look up at him now standing straight, "I'm introducing myself to you, im new to this job. Shouldn't i do this?" He sat there watching me before scoffing and flipping through papers on his desk. "I already know who and why you are here. For your first job you have to go to the Two Moon Cafe and bring me my coffee." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Two Moon Cafe?! That's 30 minutes away!" He stopped and looked up at me, "You have 30 minutes to get it then. Oh and by the way? It better be hot." 

"But th-" 

"29 minutes." 

I growled and turned on the balls of my feet rushing out of the office. 'The first thing he gives me is a stupid request for a coffee? Especially from a place that i wont ever be able to get to and from fast enough in 30 minutes!? Is this what father went through?' After making it to my car i looked at my watch before taking off, "26 minutes. You got this just.... speed a little" 

Needless to say i got to the place fast enough with just a tiny bit of speeding. (To be honest, doing 90 in a 60 isn't a little but lets say it is~) I looked at my watch again, 15 minutes. I hopped out and rushed inside up to the lady at the counter. As i walked up to her i realized the CEO didn't tell me what he wanted. Damn it. 

"Excuse me do you know Daniel Jones?" I watched her nod, 'thank god she does. Maybe she know what i ne-'  "Normal for the CEO?" I nodded frantically recovering from the shock almost instantly that she knew what i was thinking, "Hurry please. How much is it?" She rang it up and i gave her the money. I sat down in a chair and stared the people down tapping my foot impatiently. 'I swear i will kill this man. Maybe i could poison his coffee?~' 

When they called my name i almost knocked the chair over from the force of me standing up. I grabbed it and carefully rushed out to the car getting in it once more and taking off back to the company. 10 minutes. 

I pushed open the office doors, walked over to his desk and set the coffee right in front of him.

He looked at the coffee before crossing his arms, "You're 10 seconds late. I don't want it anymore."......excUSE ME?! 

"I sped through traffic just to get this damn coffee you soooo badly wanted and just because im 10 damn seconds late, you won't drink it?!" 

I watched him lean back in his chair and entwine his fingers together with a small smirk, "Yes." I watched him for a moment before laughing, "Seriously?" He just nodded and pushed the coffee away from him. "Fine! Ill drink it!" I grabbed it off of his desk and sat on one of the couches and sipped the coffee. My eyes widened when i noticed the taste, It was french vanilla. I glanced over at him and sipped the coffee more. 'I would have thought it would have been a more complicated drink.' 

Little did i know that as i sipped the coffee and looked around the room (which i do a lot...) he was watching me with a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He really did like french vanilla and because of this when he first asked my father for coffee, dad had told him that it was my favorite drink. So with this knowledge, his plan from the beginning was to get me to drink it without giving it to me directly. (So romantic~

The woman came across Kyungsoo's intercom and had said that someone was outside waiting for me. Curiously i set the coffee down and went to the door. Kyungsoo followed me curious as well as to how someone could have easily got up to the CEO's floor. We both walked out to see a young woman who upon seeing me smiled brightly and held a phone out to me. 

"Xiumin found your phone and thought you'd like it back." I gasped and grabbed it out of her hands the nicest way i could and looked it over, "It didn't crack or anything?" She put her hands together in front of her still smiling, "He payed to replace the screen for you. He hopes to see you again very soon~ Good luck!" With that said she turned and walked towards the elevator but stopped a few yards in before turning back towards me. "He also said not to lie about your phone number and to answer when he calls. Oh! And don't change his contact name." When she finished the doors opened and she boarded closing them and descending.

I looked down at my phone and pressed the button to turn the screen on. I was welcomed with a picture of Xiumin and what i assume is his dog, a black Labrador. Behind me Kyungsoo was clutching his fists behind him, 'Who is this 'Xiumin' person?' 

Meanwhile the clock on the wall chimed signaling that it was lunch time. Right on the dot my phone began to vibrate, looking down at it i read the name on the screen, 'My Xiumin Oppa~' with a few kiss and heart emojis. I looked at the name with a smile and shook my head but still i slid the green phone across the screen to answer it.


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