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"I love you Ellie." 


I opened my eyes and glanced at a pale blue ceiling. I sat up with a confused look as the memories from before came flooding back to me.

Xiumin loves me...

Xiumin Loves...


I glanced around at my strange surroundings. All i remember is Xiumin confessing to me and then the gentle kisses that followed full of wonder and curiosity. I glanced at the clock on the night stand beside me. I let out a loud gasp as i threw the covers back and quickly looked down, 'I slept in my clothes from yesterday?' 

No time. 

I opened my door and was about to walk out but was welcomed with a startled Xiumin in front of me with breakfast on a tray. 

"Where are you rushing off to?" He tilted his head confused.

"To work obviously! I'm late!" I went to lean against the wall to pass him but he grabbed my arm with one of his hands. 

"Its Saturday? You don't work today." I stopped and stared at the floor as i thought about it, 'It is Saturday...' I looked up to him and down to the tray as my stomach growled loudly. 

I blushed and looked away embarrassed while he tried to fight back laughing at me, "Come sit down and lets eat ok?" I nodded and the second he turned down the hall i heard his laughs reach me. 'Jerk...'


I sat back and sighed happily. "Good cooking there Minnie!" I saw him smile brightly at my nickname for him before standing and taking our plates setting them in the sink.

"What would you like to do today Ellie?"

I glanced at the newspaper in front of me that i grabbed off the counter. I flipped it open and saw a picture of an amusement park that was apparently here in town for the week. 

"What about going to an amusement park?" I glanced up and crossed my arms in front of me as i leaned on the table to read the article. He walked over and sat down beside me and read the article with me, "Sounds fun."

"So you're up for it?" I sent a smile his way as i stood up. 

"Of course i am; i just need new clothes before we head of. Can't go in my work clothes." He looked down with a smile before nodding, "You got a point there babe." He stood up and grabbed his coat and one for me. He walked over and helped me put on the coat. "Lets go get you some clothes." 

We stopped in front of a clothing store and i looked up at it through the window, "When i meant new clothes i meant to go to my house and get them, not actual new clothes." My door suddenly opened and i saw Xiumin in front of me, " Well sweetie, if we're gonna go to a park together i want people to know we're together so they don't try and take you away." He winked at me with a sneaky smirk. Grasping my hand, he lead me off to into the store to find new clothes.

He held up a Mickey and Minnie matching black sweaters towards me and wiggled his eyebrows. I shot him a smile with a raised eyebrow, "Really?" He nodded happily as he grabbed me once more leading me to the dressing rooms and giving me the mickey one. He disappeared behind one of the curtains and i sighed before going into my own stall and slipping my current long sleeved shirt off and slipping into the sweater. 

I walked out and he smiled upon seeing me. "You look great." I rolled my eyes at his comment and walked over to the full mirror beside the rooms, he walked up beside me and snaking his arm over my shoulders.

"I feel dumb and embarrassing." I watched him pull out his phone and go to take another selfie, i noticed our  old selfie from before when he took me to go see the mountains where he built the metal plate form for me as his background. I smiled to myself happy that he still had it. I made a peace sign and he took a few more but they got sillier with each picture. 

In the end we got the sweaters and matching red and white converse. He decided at last minute to stop at another store on the way to the park and told me to wait. When he came back he handed me the bag and took off once more down the street and went to get onto the highway.

"What did you get?" I glanced at him holding the bag's opening to me so i could peek in, "You can pull them out and take the tags off if you'd like or you can wait until we get to the park." Without another second i pulled the tissue out and saw 2 beanies, i pulled them out and inspected them. One had "His Minnie" and the other was "Her Mickey." I looked over him as i let them fall into my lap, "Are you obsessed with Mickey and Minnie?" He nodded with a bright smile, "This will be really cheesy but they've been together for a long time and so because of that i feel like we should adopt them as our symbols for each other. I want to be with you for as long as i can."

I huffed my face turning a bright red as i turned away to look out the window after i slipped on my beanie. 'He just wants extra brownie points.'


We finally found a parking spot. We just got in maybe 5 minutes ago and forgot that since it is a Saturday, it would be packed with people. I grabbed my sandals and slipped them back onto my feet and grabbed the bags setting them on the floor behind our chairs. Xiumin grabbed his beanie off of my lap before i stepped out closing the door behind me. As i neared the end of the car i saw a pair of feet stop in front of me. I looked up and saw Xiumin holding his beanie out to me.

"What do you want to switch?" 

He shook his head and pushed it into my hands, "Put it on for me since you put yours on and i couldn't do it for you."

I rolled my eyes at his childishness but none the less motioned for him to squat down some so i could reach his head. I pulled it over his head before pushing it back letting some of his hair pop out. I noticed him watching my carefully and i suddenly found myself pulled against him and his lips on mine while his hands were wrapped around my waist. Once he pulled away he smiled at me,

"Sorry i just felt like stealing one."

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