Till Death Due Us Part

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AN- Shay's Character Is In The Multimedia , Finally Putting Faces To All The Characters!

Durk's POV


I grabbed my strap from my waist and ran out the doors leading to the parking lot , by time I got there it was to late. The sight of her innocent body laying there in a pool of blood lifeless broke my heart in ways I can't even explain.

Jumping out my thoughts I heard sirens and ambulate trucks getting closer and closer , I tucked my strap back to my waste and lifted Lyrics head off of the side walk . I looked down to see her phone in her hand I gently slid it out of her hand to see my contact picture just as I was about to read the text message she sent me the ambulate finally arrived they put her on the stretcher and put a mask over her mouth and nose and started to gently squeeze it I guess to start sending oxygen to her lungs .

Unknown POV

"Hello boss , yea everything's handled "

"You sure"

"Yea boss she's out like a light"

"I'm going to confirm it , if indeed she is dead check your bank account at 12:00"

"Yes boss"

Lyrics POV

"Isn't she beautiful"

"She sure is durk is lucky to have a women like her"

"You know I can hear y'all"

"Oh yes sorry dear the names Laura Banks"

"Laura Banks?"

"Yes dear I'm Durk's mom"

"Durk's mom omg it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Oh no dear the pleasure is all mines"

"Umm Ms.Banks where are we?"

"Oh we're in heaven my love"


"Yes dear"

"But I don't belong here ! I mean I do but I'm not ready to die yet ! Omg omg"

"Calm down baby girl all you have to do is follow that light on your left and return to earth it's not your time yet love"

"Oh thank you"

"Your welcome my child do me a favor tell durk I said the grass is always greener on the other side he'll know what I mean"

With that she smiled and I began seeing a light getting brighter and brighter.

Durk's POV

I lost her , just like that man I swear I'm gonna find out who did this even if it kills me.

_______Minutes Before _____

"Sorry Mr.Banks but she's gone we've done all we can there's just no bringing her back , we'll give you a minute but hurry we need to preserve her body if you would like an open casket funeral."

I just sat there and thought.

I lost her , just like that man I swear I'm gonna find out who did this even if it kills me , I got up and kissed her forehead one last time then I pecked her lips.

I gently pulled the white sheet over her head while slightly sobbing. Just as I let the sheet go over her what I thought was a lifeless body she pulled it back.

"I'm not dead yet , you can't get rid of me that easily"

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