Chapter 5: Lost Time

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He opened up the balcony door and she slowly stepped inside. He asked,"Why are you here?" She answered him,"I came to apologize. I'm sorry for hurting you the way I did. I was a child Bruce. I didn't know what I had done. You understand that right? I didn't mean to hurt you. To be honest I...I kinda have..." She paused thinking if it was the right time to tell him then he interrupted her thinking and said,"I do too, but I didn't know how to say it." She blushed and then he closed the balcony door. "How bout you stay with me tonight? We can make up for lost time." He said.

Then she just grabbed him and pulled her closer as she began to kiss him. She didn't want to stop. Neither did he. Then he began kissing her neck. She tried to hold it down but she couldn't and she began to moan in his ear. He was already shirtless from beginning to take off the Batman suit, then she began taking off the last amount of clothing he had on. He continued kissing her as he began taking off her suit as well.

Soon enough they had all their clothes off and then he layed her down on the couch in the office. He began kissing from her from the bottom to the top of her body. Then when he had finished she grabbed him tightly and flipped over on top of him. They continued flipping until they fill into the floor. Even then they continued to switch their positions. They didn't stop. They kept kissing each other until they were out of breath. They layed in the floor together, breathing heavily, covered in nothing but a blanket. Then Selina layed sideways with her arms around him still catching her breath. He wrapped one of his arms around her and slowly moved his hand up and down her back. They were breathless but soon enough Selina layed her head on his chest and fell asleep.

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