A/N read this!

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Hey guys. Thanks for reading this story !! I really appreciate it. I know I haven't been updating so here's my explanation : As most kids I go to school. 7hrs everyday for 5 days a week. I know school won't take up my entire day. But if u add homework 1-2 hrs. Then u add volleyball practice (oh btw I made my schools vball team!!yay!) which is about 2hrs then I have to go home take a shower (1hr) and getting ready for bed and way more daily chores. So if I don't update in a while u know y. And I have a 3day weekend BC of Labor Day. Tomorrow I have practice (7am-12:45n) then I have to go home and get ready for the ED SHEERAN concert!! Yay! So I won't be able to update tomorrow but I'll try to fit in some today and Sunday. ILYSM! I hope u guys are enjoying the story ! Leave comments and stuff if u have any questions or recommendations.

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