Chapter 1

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(Y/N) had awoken to the sound of knocking at her bedroom door. She sleepily got up, taking a big stretch, then shuffling to the door. "Who is it....?" She had asked, not going to open unless the person had spoken. "Zelda! Father needs to have a word with you!" She spoke in a normal tone. Was there a day where she wasn't all bubbly and giggly? Probably not.

But yes. (Y/N) and Zelda are siblings. Not by blood or anything. (Y/N) was found by the castle gardens when she was very small. The guards didn't know what else to do. She was crying, and was soaked. They brought her inside, and the king insisted on taking her in. Zelda didn't have any siblings because her mother had died before they could of had another child.

The two had gotten quite close growing up together. Sure, (Y/N) was older, and didn't feel the need to wear fancy clothing all the time, or attended balls, and dance. Actually, (Y/N) always ended up tripping, or stepping on the guys foot. Zelda was meant to be a princess. She had everything mastered. Then again, she did have royal blood in her.

Anyway, back with the door and stuff.

(Y/N) sighed, then replied back, letting her know she'll be right there.
Quickly taking a shower, then getting dressed, making sure she looked decent enough, or looked like a proper princess, she headed down the hall, and went into her fathers study.

Catching her breath, she fixed her crown, then stood straight, waiting for her father to speak. "You wanted to speak with me, father...?"
He was looking out the window, watching as the guards trained, and took a deep breath, then letting it out with a long sigh. "(Y/N)...." He spoke, turning his gaze to her. "..there comes a time when.. A princess turns a certain age... Like yourself, turning the age of 19 next week."

Yes, it was the day they had found you. You were going to be 19 years of age. You were excited about it until...

"Well, every princess who turns 19 must know... They must find a prince." (Y/N) nearly choked after hearing that. She really didn't like her birthday now.
"I know it's a lot to take in... But, don't wor-" (Y/N) had cut him off before he could finish.
"Don't worry? I'm not ready to marry yet!" Her father placed a hand on her shoulder, and sighed." I know... That's why, I'm not going to rush you. You
may pick a prince when you know you've met the right one." She felt a little better about that. "Now... Go on... I have work to do." With that, (Y/N) nodded and left.

She wasn't sure if she wanted a prince, something told her other wise...


OKAY! How was that? Little short, buuuuuuuuut I think it went pretty good.

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