Chapter! Again!

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Yes, I have finally got another chapter up!

On with the story...

Suddenly, Vaati felt two arms wrap around his neck. His eyes widen when he realized that (Y/N) was...

Hanging onto him for dear life as she tripped with excitement over seeing the beautiful place.

(Y/N) was giggling slightly as she got her balance again. "Sorry about that.." She spoke softly, feeling rather silly. She knew a princess shouldn't be acting like this. It just wasn't lady like to get so excited about such a place. Well, she was trapped inside a castle that floats in mid air, and she wasn't allowed to step foot on the surface.

Vaati couldn't keep his smile hidden for a long time, not to mention he laughed a little while helping her stand properly again.
(Y/N) blushes slightly at his laughter, making her feel more embarrassed. "My my, let's just hope you don't bring your two left feet with you later tonight..." He said, giving a slight smirk, causing the princess's face to turn the color of a red rupee.

'What does that mean' (Y/N) thought for a moment, but could only think of something dirty. Vaati saw the puzzled look she had on her face, then began to start walking, making sure she followed of course. "..for the record, I didn't meant anything 'dirty' my dear." He said, now making (Y/N)'s face flush with embarrassment.

'How on earth did he figure that out?!' She thought, knowing this Wind Mage is smarter than he looks. She kinda thought he'd be acting like a princess and freak out if dirt would ever touch him.

What (Y/N) didn't know was, Vaati wouldn't care if a drop of blood fell on him.

Slowly catching up, Vaati had offered his arm out for her to link again, seeing he wanted to keep her close by his side. "How about we find a spot to relax for a while?" (Y/N) asked, seeing this would be a nice place to just... Well, get to know her fiancé?

Vaati didn't like the idea of sitting on the ground. He certainly didn't want dirt or grass stains on him, but he knew sacrifices were to be made.
"I suppose we could..." With those words, the Princess smiled and the two found nice grassy place under a tree.
The place actually wasn't too bad. The ground damp, so it was prefect to sit on.

There was a bit of silence between the two as they listened around them.
Was it a bad silence? No. The two were simply enjoying the company of each other.

(Y/N) was drawing in the dirt with was twig she found beside her, taking a small glance at Vaati who was calmly relaxed against the tree. He had gotten up now too long ago after hearing a sound in the bushes, when it was only a bunny.

She smiled at the thought of how he got so protective when the noise was made. Blasting a gust of wind at the bush scared the bunny out of hiding and Vasti kinda felt a little embarrassed over nothing.

Now he was leaning against the tree looking at the sky. His cape was blowing off the side of him along with his .long lavender locks. She questioned what they felt like.

Another question popped into her head when she thought about his hair. Why does he keep it so long? And why does he cover one side on his face? Did something happen that he didn't feel comfortable showing?

She wondered if he didn't mind her asking. She sucked it up, scooting slightly closer to him. Just enough to tug on his tunic, causing him to look down at her. "Hm? Yes?" He asked, snapping out of his trance. "Well, if you don't mind me asking, what's hiding under the hair on the other side of your face?"

Vaati blinked, not really thinking if people questioned that his other face was dis formed. But it really wasn't. He had a perfectly, attractive normal face.
"There is nothing wrong with my face.." He said, taking his hair that was hiding his eye to show her." Perfectly normal. I just keep it that way to look mysterious." He finished, sending her a small smirk.

(Y/N) giggled at him, then got up. " Shall we head back?"
Vaati gave a nod and lending his arm for her to hold, then walking out of the secret place.

The princess wonders what other things she'll learn about this mysterious Wind Mage...


Sorry it's soooooooooooooooo late!!!!

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