New Chapter!

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Many weeks had passed since Vaati had brought (Y/N) to his palace. Pretty much all she could say wasn't too bad.

(Y/N) would often just wonder down the halls, getting herself lost within thoughts or just lost in general. She would occasionally walk by her 'fiancé' while he was using his magic to put books away. Yes,  she will admit, she did stop to get a good look at him. But, she wasn't going to give in so easily. She just met the guy, and they haven even spent time together since the night he brought her here.

(Y/N) thought that this place would of been better if she had someone to talk to. With one big sigh, she plopped herself onto a couch somewhere in the middle of the palace, she took a book from the shelf beside her and began to read.

She noticed he book she was reading happen to be about heroes.

It read of many who have saved Hyrule and were blessed by the Royal family.
(Y/N) was surprised Link wasn't in there. Then again, this book is really old, and she was sure link had a book to himself. Well, he did save Hyrule and both Zelda multiple times.

After what seemed like hours of reading, (Y/N) noticed something.
The hall seemed....darker.
As she glance up from her book, she saw a tell,

She gulped slightly as it stood there. Getting her voice back, she say up and looked at it. "Um.....hi?" Was all she said, then let out a terrified scream as it smashed it's giant axe at her, cutting the couch in half.

(Y/N) panicked, but ran down the halls. She made many turns, trying to stay on her feet. She didn't really know what to do. She could jump out a window but that could lead to death. Was it really her time? Maybe.
But to her luck, she just so happening to be running close to Vaatis study. She wasn't allowed in there, but had to take her chances at getting yelled at, rather than being sliced into a million pieces.

Right when she was about to enter, she ran right into Vaati. He was about to say something, but before he could, (Y/N) was already hiding behind him. "(Y/N) I'm very busy right...." He glance up and saw the monster who was angry and breathing hard. "Sir! I caught this one just sneaking around!"
Vaati let out an angry sigh, then glared at the beast." Were you even around when I spoke that she is my fiancé. I told each and every guard, she is not to be bothered with."

The Guard soon gulped. He was fairly new to his job, and didn't know about this meeting. "I'm s-sorry sire! It won't happen again!" He begged, looking like he might cry. Vaatirolled this eye say him, sending him a cold glare." Get back to work." Was all Vaati said, guiding (Y/N) back into his study.

(Y/N) thought she could just turn around then let him know that it was okay now, but she was sure other guards didn't go to this 'meeting' he was speaking of and for sure didn't want to explain this to them again. Not to mention what if (Y/N) couldn't find Vaati the next time? She would be done for.

Being placed on the couch, she sat there in silence, watching Vaati go back to his work. "I apologize for what happened there. I'll be sure to inform the others once I'm finished. So for now, just stay put." (Y/N) face a small nod.

After a few minutes, (Y/N) had a small smile upon her lips. She was just thinking about Vaati's voice. He sounded so Elegant. It did sort of go with his attitude, Especially if he was angry.

Vaati's POV.

I had turned from organizing my books, hearing the constant sound of giggling coming from a certain someone..
Looking from the corner of my eye, (Y/N) just had this look on her face. I wondered what she was thinking about.

I shook my head at that question. It wasn't any of my business to know what was on her mind.


Normal POV.

Vaati sighed softly, his hand doing a quick swaying motion, then turning on a sweet classical tune from the record across the room.

(Y/N) turned towards the record player, then back towards Vaati, who had his back turned to her.
Deciding to break the silence, not knowing what to do or say, she got up and slowly but carefully walked over to him.
"What is there to do around here.....?" She asked, bored out of her mind.

Vaati stopped what he was doing, and looked at her with his available eye with a smirk. "Well, what is it my fiancé wishes to do?" (Y/N) blushed at the fact he called her his 'fiancé'. It made her stomach feel all weird on the inside. Avoiding eye contact, well, at least she tried too. "Um...well, if it's not too much to ask....may we go for a walk?" She said, hoping he wouldn't be angry thinking she was going to run away once she stepped foot on the ground.

Vaati glared a little, not liking the idea, but she did have a paint. The courtyard wasn't too big to have a stroll in, and he could use the fresh air. Giving a rather long sigh, he smiled a bit and nodded. "If that is what you wish be it." He said, letting her wrap her arm around his, then exiting the study.

Vaati was determined to not let you out on his sight.

To Be Continued..

Vote + Comment + Ideas For Next Chapter = New Chapter!

So just give me some ideas that will happen on the walk. Something bad will happen, but I can't figure that out.

So..... That would be all~
Bye bye for now~

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