Welcome, My New Queen....

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(Y/N) POV.

I had awoken with an aching in the back of my head. I couldn't remember much, but only to know I was taken by.... Who was it again...? Someone going by the name, Vaati?

Now I remember... He kidnapped me! At my own birthday.
Not the present I was expecting. Letting out a sigh, I sat up, only to realize, I was in someone's room. The place was neatly decorated, having huge glass doors leading to a balcony. This didn't look like a girls room... Vaati must of brought me here. In his room.

Looking around, I couldn't see him anywhere in sight. This could be my chance to escape.
I got out of bed, making sure to not make so much movement, incase someone heard me move the bed, then walked to the door. At least I hoped it lead to the hallway or something so I could get out.

Opening the door slightly, I heard footsteps coming towards it. Walking as fast as I could back to the bed, then jumping on it, and quickly pretended to sleep.

The door opened slowly, having a figure walk in. I opened my eyes slightly, trying to figure who it was, but couldn't make it out too well.

Hearing the footsteps getting farther away, I opened an eye, and saw Vaati. He was opening the door to the balcony, then walking outside.
I saw his cape instantly flow behind him as he walked out. Not to mention his long silky lavender hair as well.

I wonder what he's doing?

Vaati's POV. (From when he entered the room)

I let out a tiring sigh, after coming back from Hyrule. I had spoken to (Y/N)'s father, and had made myself a deal with him. More of a trade that is...

I best not get into details about that now. I'm just too tired to explain things.

Opening the door to my quarters, I noticed that she was still asleep on my bed. She had fallen asleep right after I brought her here. I don't think she would remember trying to run away, then hitting her head on the wall. Poor, poor girl...

I walked over her, and looked at the back of her head slightly. Should not of ran that fast.... Better yet, should of looked where she was going.

Making sure the blankets kept her warm, I then walked out to the balcony to do some thinking. Opening the doors, then walking out, having my cape blow in the wind. I stood at the very end of the balcony, looking down at the passing clouds. (Y/N)....what a lovely name for a princess. She may not have anything to do with the power of the Triforce, but that wasn't the reason I had taken her. She has a hidden power that she doesn't know about yet.
As her as my queen, we could rule the entire land.
First things first; I need to gain her trust.... Of course that is plan A.
Plan B is too make a deal with her. Just like I had done with her father.

All I did was ask her to be mine, or I'd slit his throat, ending his life and his little town.

He gave me his word. He cares about that girl, but clearly cares about his own life, than his own daughters.
What an idiot. But, this will help me get much closer to her.

Hearing a small sneeze, I turned my head towards the room, seeing she had been watching me the entire time.
I could sense her fear. Although, she didn't seem to show much of it on the outside. I gave her a small smile, then proceeded to walk back inside. I saw her rush over to the bed, and quickly covering herself in the blankets. I guess she figured out she wasn't wearing her dress anymore. And no, I didn't do anything to her while I took her gown off.

Sure she was quite stunning... Her body was glowing, but no. I couldn't. I need this girl to think I'm... Not a bad guy?
Let's just go with that.

I closed the door behind me after entering the room. (Y/N)'s face was a bit red, covering herself up more. "I see you've finally woken up, my dear.." I said calmly, not wanting to send a creepy vibe down her spine.
"Why did you take me...?" She asked, looking like she would almost cry. Was she that scared of me? Ouch.

I slowly made my way over
To her, and wiped a year from her eye. "I've kept my eye on you, my dear.... I've found you very beautiful... Even more beautiful than he princess Zelda herself." I wasn't going to lie, she wasn't all too happy, and giggly. She was calm, but kept her positive attitude. Not to mention, hard to get. I never seemed to figure out why, but I always loved that about a girl.

She had a small light pink blush on her cheek, then letting me see her face a bit more. "You just too me because
of that...?" She asked, lowering her ears, then raising her eye brows in a questionable look. I sat on the bed beside her, making the blankets fall from her chest a bit, leaving her to not notice one bit. It's like she was teasing me.

"(Y/N)... Your beauty may interest me very much, but I seek something much more than that..." I said, taking her hand in mine, and looking into her eyes. Her face began to heat up more at this point.
"I only ask of you one thing..."

She gulped slightly, her eyes weren't leaving mine at this point. I had her locked.
".....Be my Queen."

HahahahahahahahababababasnabanbaNabann I'm tired.

Anyway!!! This photo that I used, is my LOZ OC~ she is the girl in using in this story instead of myself as a reader.

Her name is Kitsune U u U I tend to pair he'd up with Vaati sometimes. *sigh* 

Enjoy this chapter~ I also go recommend another Vaati X Reader to you a because this person inspired me too~


Feel free to copy that~ it's really good!

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