Birthday Crash

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After a week had gone by since (Y/N)'s father told her about the marriage thing, her birthday had finally come.

There was a big ball being held in her celebration of turning 19. There was a lot of people in the castle. All were greeting and satin happy birthday.
(Y/N) grew a bit tired, and decided to sit down for couple seconds. "Wow... Never thought I'd be bored at my own party..." When suddenly the guards had burst through the door. Everyone went silent as they came in looking a complete mess. One of them was even in their underwear.

The king stood up from his seat, then approached them a bit." What in goddess's name happened?!" He asked.

"He's back.... He's coming..!"
"Who is coming?!"
The one guard who hadn't fainted yet, took one last breath before passing out. "The Wind Mage..."

The people in the ball room all gasped, then started to speak to one another.

(Y/N) only grew more curious about this 'Wind Mage'. He must be very powerful to make them pass out and be in their underwear. Getting up from her seat, and walking down to her father. "Father.... Who is this...Wind Mage?"
Before he could answer, the castle doors were swung open by a huge gust of wind. The crowd or people screamed in terror as a tall, slender figure walked into the room.

He wore mostly what seemed to be purple, or violet? Either way, this guy was just... Mysterious looking.

He stopped s good 10 feet away from the king and (Y/N).

The entire village had ran for their lives after he had entered the room.

With a smirk on his face, showing his sharp canines at the king. The king glared him down, looking into his red rupee eyes.

"Vaati...what is your business here?" He said, pushing (Y/N) behind him slightly.

"Whatever do you mean...? I'm. Just here to simply enjoy the party..." He said, giving a soft chuckle.
"You weren't invited.... Don't make call the guards!" The king shouted, trying his best to not be a coward. "Now what is you want....? Money? Treasure?" Knowing the Wind Mage, he knew that when he wanted something, he did whatever he could to have it.

"Hmm...if it was either one of those, I would have simply taken it by now." The Mage simply circled the king, getting a look at (Y/N). She didn't dare move an inch, staying close to her father as possible.

(Y/N) felt a pair of hands get placed around her waist, then pulled away from her father. "I'm assuming you're the birthday girl...?" He said, cupping her face with his one free hand as the other held her close, but tightly.

She had placed her hands on his chest, pushing him away slightly, as he got a bit closer.

"Let go of her! Take anything you want, and leave!"

A smug smirk was placed on the Wind Mages face. "I believe I already have what I want...." (Y/N) gulped when she heard him say that. Even if this guy was... Well, cute? Stunning? One of those.

"You can't have her!" Voice could be heard from the door. It was Link! With the others tree.

"We defeated you once Vaati, and we sure can do it again!"

Vaati held back a laugh, bringing (Y/N) much closer to him. "Step any closer and you won't see your little princess ever again..."

Link stopped. Along with Red, Blue and Vio.

"What is it you want...? The light force?"

He shook his head. "No... What I want is something I can take.... But will earn as well."

They all looked at one another then, back to him. "And that is...?"

Still holding (Y/N) in his arms, he then swooped her off her feet, then wind started to twirl around them. " Come now, my dear.... My palace awaits!" He said.

(Y/N) vision went black after she hid her face in the Wind Mages chest to keep dust out of her eyes. The last thing she heard was her father and sister, along with the links screaming and trying to go after her.

Two chapters.... I win.

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