Be My What...?

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".....Be my Queen."

Was all he said. Vaati had a smirk upon his face, and his eyes were gleaming in the lighting of the room.

(Y/N) couldn't seem to get words out of her mouth. She didn't know what to say.

Sure he was very... Attractive, but he had kidnapped her.
She only had one thing on her mind now, and it was to ask this.

"....and if I don't?" She asked. Vaati could feel her hand shaking within his. "If you so refuse.... You can say goodbye to your family....forever."
" in... Kill me?" She spoke, showing fear within her eyes, almost like she was going to tear up again.
"No... I wouldn't dream of killing you. By that, I meant your father."

She turned her head away from Vaatis gaze, making him let go of his hand.

She needed to think this through.
Either she would marry this Wind Mage, or have her own father be killed.
She decided his fate.

"....I'll do it." She spoke softly.

Vaati's ears went up slightly, not being able to hear what she said. Or did he just want to hear it again?

"I-I'll marry you..." His smirk grew a bit bigger after hearing her words.
She faced him again, her cheeks heating up by the moment.

(Y/N) POV.
I said yes. Why did I say yes? I could of just grabbed something sharp and stabbed him. There isn't anything sharp near me.
Either way I did it to protect my father.
Vaati doesn't seem too bad. Right?
I mean... He has killed many before I believe. Link has spoken of defeating him a few times, and how much he hates him. Okay, maybe I'm over thinking.

Maybe I'm not noticing that he's still looking at me. Not to mention had said something and I didn't hear it.

"I'm sorry... I didn't quite catch that..."
His smirk on his face seemed to turn into a look of irritation. Seems he didn't like repeating himself.
"Try not to day dream when someone's speaking. It's not very nice. Anyway, but I said the wedding will take place within a month. You're making me a very happy Sorcerer."
I felt my cheeks heat up again just by him saying that.

I watched him get up from the bed and proceeded to the door. "I'll be back in awhile.... There's something I need to take care of. Don't leave this room, my dear. I have monsters roaming the halls, and they have no idea you're here. If they spot you, consider yourself dead." He said, shutting the door.
He then popped his head back him and painted to a closet and another door." There are clothes and a bathroom if you wish to use it while I'm gone. I'll send someone to bring you food if you'd like." He said, finally leaving.

"I've been here for more than a few hours and I already feel more than a princess." I said, laying back on the bed.

I couldn't help but feel very tired. I didn't even do much, but I just wanted to sleep. I'm sure he won't mind if I choose to be a little lazy.

~After a few hours had gone by~

Vaati's POV.

I had gotten back a little later than expected. Those stupid Links....
Always getting in the way of things. They won't get her back. I won't let them. A deal is a deal.

Letting out a small yawn, I opened the bedroom door, and saw that (Y/N) was fast asleep on my bed. She didn't bother to leave it. There was untouched food, and fresh clothes laying on the end of the bed.
I was too tired to even question why she was being lazy. I just took my hat and Cape off, along with my shoes and tunic, climbing into bed and facing her. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly, looking at her features. Pushing some hair out of her face, she inches her nose slightly. She may be very powerful and strong, but she always had a calm side.

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, so with that, I had fallen asleep.

Only to be awoken when I felt
pressure on my chest.
She was curled up, and had her arms wrapped around me for warmth. I guess I should of closed the balcony door last night.

It was still too early to get up, so I decided to lay down until she awoke. Of course when she had awoken, I'd pretend to be asleep, so she wouldn't find this my fault that she was on me. I didn't grab her in my sleep. Least I don't think.

We must of both been cold.

Normal POV

Vaati would lay back onto the bed, then stair up at the ceiling. Falling back asleep was apparently very hard.
He sighed, getting out of bed.

Feeling a chill go up his spin as his feet hit the cold floor. "The day I put in a carpet.... Is never." He said to himself, walking over to the bathroom then shutting the door.

(Y/N) had woken up to the door being shut. She sat up a bit, looking at the other side of the bed, noticing it looked like someone was sleeping there.
Her face went pink, looking over the bed more, seeing Vaati's clothes on the floor.

'No... He didn't. Would he?' She thought, seeing she still was only in her underwear and bra.
The door swung open, having Vaati walk out. He stopped and didn't move for a moment, then looking the other way.

(Y/N) gave him a weird look, then looked down. He face soon turned the colour of his eyes, noticing the blanket had come off. Not to mention her bra had been barely on the entire time.

Reacting quickly, she covered herself up with the blanket.

Vaati had a slight smirk on his face, then made his way back to the bed. He had taken his cape to cover his body from the cold, then dropped it back on the floor. "Don't worry.... I didn't see much." He said, laying back down.

"Your face says otherwise...." She spoke, laying down as well.
She faced her back towards him, and looked out the window. "Awe....don't wish to snuggle?" Vaati spoke.
"N-no thank you.... Not with the smirk on your face..."

(Y/N) didn't know if he were to try anything. Then again, she didn't want to anger him either. "Besides... We are going to wed in a month....not to mention it's very cold in here..."

(Y/N) looked at the balcony door, seeing it was closed. It was getting cold in the room. She turned and faced him, sending him a cold glare. "Someone has attitude..." He said, chuckling softly. (Y/N) had guessed he used his magic to make the room colder. This guy was getting on her bad side.

"Only doing it because I can't feel my feet." She said, scooting a bit closer. "Sure you are..." He said, wrapping his arms around her, then closing his eyes.


This chapter was too long. I didn't mean for it to bed boring or anything. I felt cuddly.

Anyway, until next time.

Be Mine Or Else.. (Vaati X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now