New Chapter

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So my last post for this book, no one really bothered to help me with ideas.

So I'm just gonna give this chapter my best shot!

Also, please enjoy the drawing of sleeping Vaati.

It had been two months since the Wond Mage had taken the Princess to the surface and honestly, the Princess couldn't care less about the ground anymore. She had gotten use the living in the Palace of Winds.

Her mind was always somewhere else or on a certain someone..

(Y/N) had woken up to the sun beaming in her eyes, causing her to groan and roll over. She giggled as something tickled her nose. Opening her eyes to be face to face with Vaati.

'He looked so peaceful when he slept.' She thought as she caressed his face, moving his hair away from his face. (Y/N) wasn't sure she would ever see herself having a crush on the Wind Mage, but with time he was able to gain her trust.

She couldn't help but smile as he slowly started to wake up. She always loved seeing him in the morning. He didn't have his attitude or a smirk on his face. It was always a gentle, loving smile and a good morning. Followed by; "Did you sleep well?"

Vaati sat up slightly, moving pushing his hair back then stretched. (Y/N) smiled, resting  her chin on her hand. "Good morning. How did you sleep, my dear?" He asked, laying back on his pillow. "I felt like I was on a cloud all night..." She said, snuggling her pillow. Vaati chuckled slightly, then gave her a kiss on the forehead before he got out of bed." That's good. I don't mean to leave so sudden, but I have something I need to attend too." He said heading to the bathroom.

(Y/N) frowned lowering her ears." Oh...just like yesterday... And the day before..." She said, pulling the covers back over her. Vaati stopped, hearing her words. He went and sat on (Y/N)'s side of the bed, and moved the blankets off her head. He smiled at his fiancé as she had a cute pout on her face." I suppose I could just...move this thing later on today, or tomorrow. If that is what my future queen wants, she shall get it." You don't have too...I can always find something else to do.."

Vaati knew what she was trying to do. He was well aware on what she wanted, but knew she wasn't going to admit it so easily. "Well, once you've made up your mind, just knock on the door to my study." Giving her a small peck on the cheek, then leaving the bedroom.

(Y/N) slowly climbed out of bed, walking to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

The past week Vaati had been kept busy. Always locked in his study. Shadow was the only one allowed in at that time, but when she asked if she could see Vaati, he would tell her he was off somewhere else.

She assumed being engaged to  an evil demon would mean he would disappear. But at least he'd come between meals and dine with her. He was always on time for bed, and sometimes, if  (Y/N) was let too shy, she would snuggle up to him as he slept.

She just had to have him today! No more would he be busy with 'other' things. Nope!

She wanted nothing more than to go out again. He still didn't like the idea of her going on the surface, even though she gave him her word  that she wouldn't run away.

This time, she was gonna win.

After getting ready, (Y/N) knock on the door to his study. She heard him say 'enter' from the other side and did so. Vaati looked up from his book, and smiled. "Ahh... well, made up your mind?" He gave her a smirk, showing off sharp canines slightly. (Y/N) nodded." Mhm...I just wanted to.." She mumbled the last part.

"What was that last part? I couldn't head you, my dear.." He said, keeping the smirk on his face, only no canines showing.

"I-I just wanted to know...if we could...uh.."

"You're going to have to speak up, love..." Her face light up slightly at him calling her that. He normally did that when he teased her. He enjoyed how shy you got when you tried to ask him things.
Clearing her throat, she gave it her best shot. "I wanna wondering if you wanted to go  on another walk or something...!" She said the whole thing too quickly for
Him to read, but he got the message. " wish to go to the surface again.." (Y/N) could tell he wasn't gonna give her the answer she hoped for. His smirked already faded. "What if I...were to..give you something. In exchange?" His ears perked up." (Y/N), there isn't anything you could give me...beside..I already got what I want." His smirk had reappeared in seconds of saying that. She could feel her cheeks getting darker. " other words, there's no need to bribe me..." He got up from his seat, walking over to her, caressing her cheek. "...when I already have you."

That did it. She was sure she had turned into a red rupee herself. Vaati chuckled at her reaction. "But, I already have something planned for us today..."

(Y/N) her ears perked up, along with a small smile showing. "Oh? May I ask what it is..?" He vanished right before her eyes, like quite literally. She stood silently, then nearly screamed as he reappeared behind her to cover hear eyes with his hand. 

"(Y/N), my love..I have been papering this quite sometime. I would appreciate if I kept it a surprise for now." She nodded, giving him her word. "I pinky promise to keep my eyes closed!" She said, holding her pinky out. He raised a brow, then smiled at how excited she sounded, then locked pinkies with her. "Now.. No peeking."

"Or else..." He said, softly, but seductively.


Haha! I am sooooooooo so so so sorry about not updating!!! Writers block sucks! Plus, I've been working a lot and have been writing this chapter bit by bit on my breaks. So.. I hope you guys aren't too mad, but comment and vote for

(Marshall X Reader will be updated tomorrow or sat)

Bye for now~

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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