Hahaha! New Chapter!

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Okay, so here is a new chapter. It might end up long, but I think I've come up with something to happen in the woods.
I'm gonna try my best, because I've been extremely sick lately and it's killing me. (Not really)

For the record, you both are already on the ground to save time.

The place you guys are heading is in the picture above you.

Vaati's POV.

I always didn't enjoy coming to the surface world without a perfectly good reason. Those reasons would mostly just be destroying towns, taking things that weren't entirely mine and...well, causing chaos in the end.

I must of drifted off into thought because I hadn't noticed (Y/N) was tugging on my tunic trying to get my attention. It's nice to know she hadn't tried to run away.

"Um...Im not familiar with the area...would you like to pick a place to relax...?" She spoke softly, her eyes avoiding my own. "But of course..I'd stay close if I were you..." (Y/N) eyes widened, feeling her grip on my arm get tighter. I got the feeling I frightened her a bit, but there are a lot of monster that pop out of everywhere at anytime. There's only one place to go where it's nothing but complete daylight.

That would be my secret spot.

(Y/N) POV.

We walked and we walked for who knows how long?! I mean, it was nice of him to take me out for a walk, even though I'm making him, but he did ask what I liked doing.

I gently moved some hair out of my face, noticing that Vaati's grip linked around my arm was tightening. I took a quick glance and saw he looked irritated.

I wonder if he had ever smiled in his life time. Not counting when he smirks. Like....an actual smile. I could always ask him to smile, but then again he would need a reason, wouldn't he?

Normal POV.

(Y/N) didn't like the look that was planted on his face. She didn't know exactly what to do, but only knew one thing. Comfort. It was the only thing  to do when someone was sad or even angry.
Clearing her throat, she decided they needed to talk about...anything. "Um....so, Vaati...where is it we're going?" She asked, softening his look then looking down at her. "It's a secret, My Dear.... You're the only other person I'm showing this place too.." His look of irritation was soon covered by a small smile. Hearing those words caused (Y/N)'s cheeks to go as red as a rupee. "Oh my....this place must mean a lot to you...." She said, moving her hair behind her ear. "You'll soon see the reason behind it..." Yes, he would show her how peaceful the place was, but he wasn't sure if she wanted to know the real reason. Was he going there with a plan.

Well, she was about to find out, because the two were nearing the destination.

Vaati had taken his arm back, causing (Y/N) to frown slightly, but then letting out a small giggle.

"Why'd you take away my sight?" She asked, hearing Vaati chuckle softly. "I'll remove my hands once we've gone through the secret entrance.."

The Wing Mage lead the princess through the entrance, keeping vines and leaves from falling or getting in the way.

Soon coming up at the end of the tunnel, Vaati carefully told
(Y/N) to keep her eyes closed for just a bit longer, as he needed her hand to guide her down to the bottom of the rocky hill.

Vaati finally let her open her eyes, to see such a beautiful place. (Y/N) had never seen a place like this. She'd always wanted to explore to places like this but her father said it was too dangerous.

"Oh Vaati...I've never seen such a place...well, in story books." Vaati smiles at how happy she was. She was enjoying her time on the ground and that made him feel a little warm inside.

Suddenly, Vaati felt two arms wrap around his neck. His eyes widen when he realized that (Y/N) was...

To be continued~

Until next time minions!

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