Luke Flu

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*This is probably going to be bad so i'm sorry but make sure to leave a comment and suggestion for the next part!*


The concert in Madison Square Garden just ended and the boys were sweaty as can be. It was a little chilly that night too. Luke comes off stage and feels his throat hurting him a bit but brushes it off because he knows he had been shouting and singing for hours. Later that night, when everyone is asleep, Luke wakes up to a very sore throat and gets up to get a glass of water. He takes a sip and starts to uncontrollably cough. Trying not to wake anyone but can't help it, Ashton wakes up and sees Luke's bed is empty. Ash goes into the kitchen to find Luke coughing very harshly.

"Whoa Lukey! You alright?"

"Yea i'm fine."

"What are you doing up at 4AM?" Ash says looking at his phone to check the time.

"My throat kind of hurts so I went to get some water and now I can't stop coughing!"

"Oh no it seems like your getting a cold buddy."

"Ugh! I hope not I hate being sick!"

"Why don't you go back to sleep and tell me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Ash!"

Ashton nods and walks back to the bunks with Luke and they fall back asleep. Luke then again wakes up but this time he is so hot the covers are making him sweat so much. He throws them off his bed and falls back asleep.

The next morning Mikey and Calum are already up and fighting over breakfast. Hearing them Ashton wakes up to yell at them. Remembering Luke doesn't feel good he goes over to his bunk and gently wakes him up.

"Lukey? Time to get up and eat something."

"Not hungry." Luke says as he rolls over.

"what happened to your bed? Did a tornado take your covers away? haha!"

"I was sweating but now I am freezing!" Luke says shivering in his bunk so noticeably that Ash gets worried.

"How do you feel today buddy?" Ash says conceded for the boy.

"Honestly, I feel worse than I did yesterday. It's not just my throat but my stomach is flipping and my head hurts, it hurts to cough, and I am so tired but nauseous at the same time." Luke says pouting.

Ashton's face drops from concern to worried very quickly. Ash runs over into the kitchen to get the thermometer from the drawer and goes back to Luke who looks like a sad sick puppy.

"Hey buddy I just need to take your temperature to make sure you don't have a fever okay?"

"Okay but what if I do have a fever?"

"Then you might have the flu and not a cold and you have to stay home from the interview tomorrow to rest."

Luke gets mad and refuses the thermometer because he knows he has a fever but doesn't want Ash knowing because he wants to do the interview tomorrow and not let the fans down.

"You know what? I feel a lot better!" Luke says springing out of bed and dodging the thermometer.

Ashton looking confused but relieved that he looks better and agrees to accept that Luke isn't sick anymore. The boys walk to the kitchen and Ashton has two slices of toast with marmite and Luke grabs a bowl of cereal. Luke barley touched his cereal and Ash took notice.

"Hey buddy, you sure you're ok because you haven't eaten yet!" Ash says to Luke who is sitting next to him but quietly so Mikey and Calum don't hear.

"Yea no i'm good!" Luke says take a big bite of cereal.

Luke manages the whole bowl but feels queasy. He goes to the bathroom but as casual as possible even though the room was spinning. Luke shuts the door and locks it. He falls to his knees and yacks up the whole bowl and some stomach acid which burned. Luckily nobody heard and he brushed his teeth and returned again to trying to acting normal. He walks out of the bathroom with nobody in sight and starts to walk to his bunk to take a nap since they have a relax day. When Luke is halfway to his bunk he stops for a minute as the world spins and bright light flashes before his eyes. In just that minute Ashton comes from the kitchen to see Luke's face scrunched in pain from the light and frozen in place. Ashton looks worried and runs over to Luke. The minute Ash touches Luke, Luke flashes back into reality.

"Hey bro you alright?"

"Yea i'm fine, just got a little dizzy."

"Why don't you lay down mate."

"I think I should for a little while." Luke says giving into Ashton's requests.

Ashton helps Luke climb into his bunk which is the top bunk and Luke just flopped into the bunk and quickly fell into a deep sleep. Ashton gave Luke a little kiss on his forehead and Luke shifted and groaned cutely. Ashton shuts the curtain and lets him sleep.



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