Everything went dark part 3....

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*THis was highly requested so enjoy! :)*

It's been almost a week since Luke slipped into the coma. The boys were visiting every day and they would give each other sifts to stay with Luke just in case he woke up he wouldn't be alone and confused.

It was late on Saturday and it was Calum's turn to stay with Luke. Calum was scrolling on twitter seeing all the tweets from fans with the hashtag #GetWellSoonLuke. Calum fell asleep.

Around 2 AM Calum awakes loud, heavy breathing coming from the other side of the room where Luke was. He was crying, almost having a panic attack.

Calum jumps from his chair and runs over to Luke who has tears streaming from his face. He is struggling trying to get out of the bed but he is hooked up to so many machines, he can't get up. Calum runs into the hallway and yells for a nurse.

When the nurse comes into the room they both try and hold Luke down who is screaming and crying and just trying to get up. 

C: Luke buddy it's okay calm down!


C: Luke you are in the hospital!

Luke calms down a little. He seems more confused than scared now. He looks at his hospital bracelet.

L: Hospital? What? Why?

C: You passed out man.

L: Oh god! Did I...

C: You drank a lot. You are lucky to be alive. Do you know how much sugar is in alcohol? What were you thinking?

L: I don't know. I don't remember.

L: Why can't I remember?

C: It was a while ago.

L: What do you mean?

C: You uh.. you didn't just pass out, you were in a coma man.

L: A COMA?!?! How long?

C: Almost a week dude.

L: You're lying to me. This isn't funny. If this is some prank to get me to take better care of myself then it worked because this is NOT funny!!!!

C: Sadly this is no joke. Me and the guys have been waiting for you to wake up since Thursday... of last week.

L: How could this be?

C: I told you! You drank to much and your sugar level went through the roof. You're body couldn't handle it so you literally went into a sugar coma.


L: Where are the other boys?

C: Home probably asleep. I'll tell them you're awake.

L: How are they.

C: Okay. I mean worried sick of course, especially Ashton.

L: What why?

C: He saw you were drinking a lot and he wanted to stop you and he didn't so he feels responsible for that. If anything would have happened to you I don't know what he would do.

L: I feel so bad.

C: Well maybe you will be more careful next time because next time it might be a lot more than a week missing.

Luke sits there in silence. Calum's words really hit him hard. He could have died. What if he didn't wake up. He was broken.

Ashton and Michael come to the hospital and run into Luke's room.

They give him a big hug and thank the lord he is okay.

A: Please don't ever do that again!

M: yea you had us worried sick mate

L: I promise guys I will be way more responsible about this. I mean I could have died...

They all choke on his words and get teary eyed.

A: But you didn't and you are strong. We can fight this, together.

M: Never feel alone in this. We can help.

C: Totally mate we are here for you 100%.

L: Thanks you guys! You are truly the best friends I have! 


*This is the last part for EWD because the content is getting a bit dry! Sorry it was so short! I just wanted an ending for it! Enjoy the rest of the week guys have have a wonderful day! <3*

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