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Another requested update for ya'll! I have been completely forgetful of this and I promise to do better! I have new stories and ideas to come shortly I promise! I want to get in a bunch of stories before I go back to school bc it will be hard to write then! As you can see from my last story I was pissed about what happened to Calum and no celebrity should have a panic attack induced by crowding. It was ridiculous! I hope you guys are having a fantastic summer and I will be back soon with another story! <3


I wanted to add on here because some people have been commenting on my posts and it is getting a little repetative! I understand my stories have mistakes in them! Hense the fact that I am not an author! They will have mistakes! I just write these for fun and I write fast so I do mess up! I am human lol it happens! Also if you don't like my stories I don't need your opinion! I don't need your views so you can just go read something else! Sorry for all of this! I truely love you all! New story to come prob tonight ❤️

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