Panic Attack

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*Long time no see sorry :-) I am back! I am writing this story in light of what happened today in North Carolina. OBVS put my own twist on the story bc I had to :-)*

Calum was out on the town before the show in Charlotte, NC. Some update accounts got insight that Calum was walking around the city by himself. He had no protection and no warning.

As Calum was walking around he hears screaming. He turns with a worried look to see a mob of girls heading his way. They were coming fast.

C: Oh God!

The screaming girls charge at him. They start pushing and shoving Calum. There are so many girl surrounding him. They are trying to get that special picture. None of them are realizing what is actually happening.

Girls: Calum look here! No Calum here! Calum say Hi! OMG CALUM!

Soon Calum starts to get sweaty. He starts looking a little pale.

Calum texts Ashton about the situation and Ashton sends a guard to help Calum.

C: Ashton I can't breathe! HELP!

When they guard arrives Calum is breathing really hard and looks almost in tears. He starts to crumble to the floor.

but the fans won't stop....

Guard: Calum? Calum buddy you okay?

Calum doesn't answer as he can't catch his breath.

Guard: Girls back up!

Calum falls to the floor panting and gasping for air.

Girls start screaming for Calum!

Girls: Guys back up! Calum are you okay? OMG!!!

Guard: Calum speak to me! What's happening?

C: I don't know! I can't breathe! I think i'm dying!

Guard: We need to get you out of here!

The guard picks Calum up piggy-back style and pulls him out of the crowd. People are still grabbing at hims and screaming!

Girls start saying Calum was being annoying for not saying hi or something but they don't even realize he had a panic attack!

They guard and Calum finally get inside the hotel. He puts Calum on the couch in the lobby.

Calum is still gasping. Ashton finds Calum and is worried.

A: Calum what is it?

C: I can't breathe!

A: I think you are having a panic attack.

C: Make it stop!

A: Just slow your breathing!

C: I can't!

A: Here breathe into this bag!

Calum puts a bag over his mouth and his breathing regulates. Soon Calum is back to normal. They take Calum up to the suite where Michael and Luke are.

M: Aye Calum mate you look awful. What happened?

A: Calum had a panic attack!

L: Whoa what? What happened?

C: There were just too many fans... I just couldn't breathe... I don't know what happened...

M: WOW that's ridiculous!

A: I know! I mean we are just people! I mean look what happened today!

L: This worries me!

C: I never want that to happen again!

A: It won't!

C: I hope not!

**Hi guys! If you don't know what this is about just look at the has tag #RespectCalum which is trending on twitter right now bc of this incident and get the word out about respecting the boys! This happened a while ago but i made it recent bc I felt like it! I mean they are just people and their safety is on the line and people need to realize that! Please be respectful and stuff! It upset me a lot when I heard this happened! Calum had a claustrophobic panic attack! It's so sad! Anyway this is all I have for now! LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS! :-)**

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